Monday, September 13, 2021


Those superstitions that we prize,

Call them silly, call them wise,

(Despite the knowledge that we’ve gained,)

They still have power. Let me explain…


There’s Black Cats Crossing o’er Your Path,

A tempting of a witch’s wrath.

Or Walking under Ladders, sure,

Will make your sweet life less than pure.


A Mirror you have that’s Less Than Whole…

May indicate a broken soul!

A Friday, bad. The 13th? Worse!

Be careful, or you’ll end up cursed.


Umbrellas opened, not outdoors,

Will cause much harm to lives—like yours!

And oh, that Crack—Breaks Mother’s Back?

In truth lets evil ghosts attack.


Don’t spill that salt, you’ll be chastised,

Toss some away, ‘fore spirits prize!

An itchy palm means moneys come,

Don’t scratch! Or it’ll be undone!


To knock on wood means your ‘UN-jinxed’

(So good won’t be erased, one thinks.)

Those lucky pennies? Just make sure

Their heads are up. (Or please detour!)


Don’t Stand Your Chopsticks in Your Food

It forms a number 4. You’re screwed!

Your mirrors shouldn’t face their friends,

A portal forms which never ends!


No Happy Birthdays said before,

No coming in a different door,

Dropped keys on tables says, “You slut!”

No complimenting. It’s bad luck…


With all these fears and many more,

With consequences by the score,

One thing I’ll say—you’ll be relieved… 

They get their power when you believe!

Photo Credit: Karen of
Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

The music system you like best?
Try 8-Tracks. Better than the rest!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?

We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks...
Defy Superstition Day (September 13) Also from Mimi Today!
Remembering 8-Tracks (September 20) Another Mimi
Ask a Stupid Question (September 27)
Golf (October 4)
Throw a Party (October 11)
Meatloaf Appreciation (October 18)

Opera (October 25)



  1. Oh God, I'm always knocking wood. Must be the Irish genes. Wonderful poem!

    1. I do, too! I've even been known to go looking for wood to knock on! ;)

  2. Smiling. And I didn't know the keys on the table one...

    1. It was a new one on me as well, EC! I guess prostitutes used to leave their room key on the table to show they were available. Then whoever picked it up . . .
      Somehow that got translated into 'Never leave your keys there because terrible things will happen!'

  3. Huge smile, and some new superstitions. It's funny that they are differnt fom country to country ;)

    1. Totally true! Some cross all boundaries and borders. Others are truly unique!

  4. Love it! You got some i forgot, and yes, they only work if you believe.

    Are you in the hunt for more topics? My brain's been working, and i apologize ahead of time. How about New Lease, which i thought of suddenly one day and can mean whatever you want, a time you moved with a new lease or a new lease on life.

    Nov. 8 is Aid and Abet Punsters Day, so we could do puns. Nov. 15 is Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day, maybe we talk about what we found when we did just that.

    On Nov. 22 is the anniversary of Edison's first public demonstration of the phonograph, perhaps our favorite record or best stereo or record player we ever owned.

    1. Excellent! We'll use them all, Mimi, thank you so much!

  5. It was interesting to rea this. Of course I had heard of most of these superstitions, but I was not familiar with all the bad things that happen based on them.

  6. Hi Diane, your poem is on point with so many superstitions we carry on from our parents and grandparents. Knock on wood, specially does it for me.


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