Wednesday, October 13, 2021

50 Word Wednesday #10

Was that a groan?
Blair looked up toward the hayloft, thinking hard.
None of the ranch staff were remotely close to the milking barn.
Another groan. This time, even the cow he was milking reacted.
He had only two choices. 
Or run.
Which should he choose?
Which would you?

Today is Fifty Day Wednesday!

And that means another challenge to tell a story using ONLY fifty words.

Thank you so much, Adela, for opening this new world to me . . .

For the rest of October, I think I’ll concentrate on things spooky.

Sooo fun!

This is an uber-fun, uber-challenging exercise.
Join us!

Leave your contribution in the comments...


  1. I'd have to go with "investigate", but I don't envy Blair.

  2. Knowing me, I'd run, but then bring someone else quickly to investigate. Best of all worlds. Love 50 word Wednesdays!

  3. I would be tempted to investigate but terrified.

  4. Get help to investigate. That's generally the best way.


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