Friday, October 29, 2021


I love my little Roomba, cause he helps me every day,

Cleaning dust and dirt and crumbs and tucking them away,

I call my Roomba ‘Buddy’, and that’s what he is, to me,

A friend that cleans from wall to wall and everywhere between.


But today a door was opened and my Buddy got away,

Stealth’ly stealing down the walk and running off to play,

Who knows the mischief he will start? Or if he will return,

I have to tell you solemnly, I really am concerned.


But there’s a truth I cling to and that gives me peace of mind,

Even though my Buddy’s gone and (so far) him, we cannot find…

He has no natural predators, there’s none would bite and chew,

It’s not because he’s handsome, though his looks I’d not eschew!


And it’s not because he’s armed—equipped with weapons of defence,

So why am I not worried bout his actions’ consequence?

It’s because I know a secret, which I’m glad to share with you,

Nature abhors a vacuum. There. Now you’ll not worry. Too!

Today's post was a challenge from the inimitable 
and totally awesome Karen at Baking in a Tornado and Mimi at Messymimismeanderings.

Hop over and see what they’ve done with the theme!


  1. Maybe Buddy will go out there and do good in the world!

  2. Hee hee! Love it and hope Buddy returns.

  3. The Great Escape. When Buddy returns, maybe he'll be a guest blogger for you. Just think!

  4. Heeheehee! Excellent! Although i do hope he comes home soon.

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