Friday, October 8, 2021


Scrabble is a Tolley game…

Five months plus forty-five years ago, today, Husby and I were on our honeymoon.

Had been for eight days.

We were in Glacier National Park, enjoying the scenery.

And each other. ;)

We stopped into a store. I can’t remember which, but they had Scrabble games.

One of which went home with us…

From then on, Scrabble was our game of choice. That particular game provided hours (and years) of fun.

I admit it, he was much faster than me. 

Grant's rack of choice.
You probably can't see it, but it says: 'Diane takes a long time.'

But I was determined to create the largest words I could and usually managed to use most, if not all, my letters.

And very often won.

As our children learned to read, they joined in. Playing with them took on many iterations, the most popular of which was 'Scribble', a game in which all letters MUST be used and the words created must NOT be found in any dictionary. Giving rise to such words as: Keeregg--the bright orange egg of the Keer bird which is laid over wires across the highway. You’ve probably seen them. (Note: Those little suckers have to be able to fly right from hatching, or chaos and/or death will ensue!)

As our children moved out, they went with their own game under their arms.

We still play. Oh, the original game is battered and life-weary, much like the two players, but still intact and serviceable.

Also much like the two players…

P.S. I'm still winning...


  1. I think I'd love Scribble. I may need to try that.

  2. Have loved Scrabble all my life. Still play, but online. Sigh. Would love to play on a board again.

  3. It looks like fun, and i do think your alternative is wonderful.

  4. I like Scrabble but I don't win very often. I'm too impatient to move the game along. Now, your revised version sounds like even more fun ...

  5. We never kept score when playing, just spread out three boards across the table and had fun. And the kids learned to spell and read.

  6. Keereggs, that's what they are. Thanks we have been wondering ;)


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