Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Fifty Day Wednesday #15

It began with a startling, “Hon, let me do the dishes.”
He rattled and thumped in the kitchen, then joined me in front of the TV. “Done!”
Unwiped cupboards and stove. Sink full of pots.
But table cleared and washer loaded.
‘Done’ doesn’t mean what I think it means…

Today is Fifty Day Wednesday!

And that means another challenge to tell a story using ONLY fifty words.

Thank you so much, Adela, for opening this new world to me . . .

Sooo fun!

This is an uber-fun, uber-challenging exercise.
Join us!

Leave your contribution in the comments...



  1. So lucky that hubby does mine, and pretty well. However, counter never cleaned and other details escape his notice...sigh. But on balance...pretty good.

  2. Ah yes, that soaking in the sink thing. It was himself's turn to wash up last night, and there is a pot in our sink now.

  3. Men and women have very different definitions of "done" and "clean." Oh well, gotta love them anyway.

  4. Yes, men sure have a different definition, but I'm fortunate. Mine really helps!


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