Monday, November 8, 2021


Puns, I love, they’re so much fun,
What follows are some favourite ones!


My funeral? NOT an A.M. spot,

A mourning person, I am not!


A balance check, of me, required…

I pushed him over—now I’m fired!

A thief stole all the precinct’s johns,

Police have nothing to go on.


My kleptomania hurts a bit, 

But now I take something for it.


Boiling water, RIP,

You will be mist, we all agree.

The restaurant, Karma, strikes a nerve,

No menu. Get what you deserve!


The word ‘many’, explained when sought?

I’m grateful. Know it means a lot.

I took a pole. Know what I found?

All campers grouse when tents fall down.

My dog ate coins. “Wait,” said the Vet,

I’m waiting, but there’s no change yet.

Zero’s author – on behalf of banks,

We salute you. For nothing, thanks.

A man lost his left side. Oh, wow!

Not to fret--he’s all right now.

Cartoonist was found dead. Poor guy! 

Details are sketchy, please stand by.


The silkworm race? Well by and by,

It ended in a total tie.

High-voltage fence around my house?

My neighbor’s dead against it. Louse!

A new mechanic. Here’s the scoop…

They’re a highly wreck-a-mended group.

A hippo’s a really heavy blighter,

And a Zippo is a little lighter.

A clown, he held my door just yester- 

Day. It was a lovely jester.


An ad for burial plots. Agreed,

It is the last thing that I need.

And there you have it, that's the lot

I've finished doing what I ought,

But please, before this day is through,

I'd love to hear some puns from you!

Photo Credit: Karen of
Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, we're cleaning out the 'Fridge,
We're apprehensive, just a smidge...

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks (with a huge thank-you to Mimi, who comes up with so many of them!)...

Puns (November 8) Today!
Clean Out Your Refrigerator (November 15) 
Your favorite record (or) best stereo or record player ever (November 22)

Chia Pets (November 29)
Hanukkah/Holidays (December 6)
Ice Cream (December 13)
Music (December 20)
Fruitcake (December 27)

Sleep (January 3)

Peculiar People (January 10) 

Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions (January 17)

Opposite Day (January 24)
Typo Day (January 31) Celebrate those funny (autocorrect) mistakes.


  1. Puns are so much fun, I'm not sure which I enjoyed more, writing my post or reading yours and Mimi's!

  2. Oh damn, this is clever.Genius on a Monday morning, Beth

  3. World peas is my favorite thing! So fun today, and sharp! Oh you!

  4. Ha ha! These are so clever. Language is so fascinating!

  5. There is no way I could ever do that! You win the prize every time!

  6. My husband loves to pun. My best friend loves to pun. One of my first cousins (maybe more than one) loves to pun. We talk on the phone and he showers me with them. Where did I go wrong? The punning gene missed me. I sent the link to this blog post to my best friend.

  7. This was cute grouping of puns and made me smile


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