Friday, November 19, 2021

Real Estate

Going through some old posts and found this one written in 2014 just after I had relocated Daddy from his condo to the Senior's Lodge a block away.
He lived there eight months before he moved again. Home.
I miss him so much!
Such bittersweet memories . . .

It's done.

Following several thousand man-hours of sorting, packing, hauling, mistakes, searching, finding, more packing, more hauling, and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, Daddy is safely installed in his new home.
It was not an easy decision to make.
He loved his condo.
And his independence.
But though he remains clear mentally, his once-robust physical self grows steadily weaker and frailer.
He's better off in a place where his meals are provided and help is always very nearby.
It's bittersweet.
We know he will be cared for.
But the memories of what used to be crowd close.
Bringing tears.
Life on the ranch was an adventure.
Every day a blur of what needed to be done and what happened while doing it.
From this...
... to this.
But Daddy's favourite saying is: Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!
Life isn't over.
Only his piece of real estate is smaller.
Here's to new adventures.
I love you, Daddy!


  1. I was through something like this with my mother in law, so I can relate (in a tiny way). So hard...

  2. You brought me chills today. Your dad's favorite quote says it all.

  3. Always sad to see a once strong, vital person succumb to the inevitable. Sounds like you took good care of your dad. Somewhere he's grateful.

  4. Truly beautiful. And a big yes to his words (hard as it sometimes is to obey them).

  5. Your Daddy was a wise and good man.

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  7. The transitions Dad went through were all unsettling. I always think of him on the ranch looking after cows, moving irrigation pipe and just being a rancher/vet. That was Dad. To be downsized so many times was always upsetting to me; I wanted so much to see him back on the original ranch, doing the things he was born to do...


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