Friday, December 31, 2021

Starting Out Bad

This wretched ol' pandemic has our mood a little low,
And if it lasts much longer, we'll know nothing else but woe,
It behooves us to remember: others, too were just as down,
But because they didn't give up, soon, success erased their frowns!

Things progressed as normal, as the bright sun sailed that day,
And then we watched in awe as Mister Moon got in the way,
And isn’t that a bit like life? Our plans flow normally,
Then all at once, there’s something comes that we did not foresee . . .

Percy was an engineer, known for brains, not brawn,
Was fiddling with some microwaves from a magnetron.
Then the chocolate in his pocket melted there, right where it was,
His discovery? The microwave. To worldwide applause.

Play-Doh: It was made to clean the paper on the wall.
But poor results and sales had the business in free-fall.
But when kids started using it for their crafts and games,
It gave the struggling company cash and quite a bit of fame.

Harry couldn’t get cyanoacrylate to work.
Instead of forming what he wished, it stuck. ‘Twas quite a quirk.
Then suddenly he realized that he’d made a breakthrough,
And what he had invented would be known as Super Glue.

Teflon wasn’t what Roy Plunkett started out to make,
He wanted different CFC’s, but he made a mistake.
Instead of gas, he found white flakes, intriguing little bits.
You’ll love it on your non-stick pans for when you’re frying grits.

Velcro was an accident, invented via dog.
When George took his pet hunting: picking burrs, the epilogue.
When closely studied, George could see the tiny little ‘hooks’.
He experimented and he won. It’s there in all the books.

So just because the sun is hidden for a tiny spell,
You simply do not have to fear that things aren’t going well.
And just ‘cause life is different than what you may have planned,
Sometimes, it is the unforeseen that truly makes it grand

Welcome to our Monthly Poetry Challenge!
This month's topic? Moods
Did I help lift yours?

Excited for more?
Read what the other challengers have crafted!


  1. Yes indeed, sometimes it is the unforeseen that makes life, if not always grand, certainly interesting.

  2. I think of life these past two years as having been shunted to a new track on the railroad of life. It's stressful, yes, but I've done things I never could have imagined. And so did those people who took accidental discoveries and ran with them! Happy New Year to you, Diane.

  3. Serendipity does tend to put me in a good mood.

    A blessed and beautiful Happy New Year to you!

  4. A good poem about all the things I use regularly.

  5. Oh, I did not know the origins of all of those items. Thanks for expanding my knowledge. Have a lovely 2022.


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