Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Fifty Day Wednesday #21

The line-ups were long. I was 9 carts back.

Suddenly the man fourth before me screamed and punched the guy in the line ahead of him, then fell sideways to the floor. His eyes rolled back and he had spittle coming from his mouth.

“New variant!” someone shouted.


Today is Fifty Day Wednesday!

And that means another challenge to tell a story using ONLY fifty words.

Thank you so much, Adela, for opening this new world to me . . .

Sooo fun!

This is an uber-fun, uber-challenging exercise.
Join us!

Leave your contribution in the comments...


  1. What a little gem that was. And, perhaps, a look into the future. I hope not!

  2. Wow! I hope that was mostly fictionalized!

  3. Yikes! Great little story, and hopefully not a prophecy.

  4. Excellent vignette! I took lessons playing the pandemonium as a child --or was that the harmonium? Same thing in my case.

  5. Amazing what some people will do to get ahead in the grocery line. (We need a sarcasm font, of course.)


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