Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Obvious

 While we're still . . . slightly . . . on the topic of dinosaurs . . .

You see animals. They see . . .
Sometimes, all that matters is the obvious . . .
Two of our grandchildren were playing.
A little background here . . .
Husby has an extensive collection of plastic animals.
Mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, fish, vertebrate, invertebrate.
Animals from every continent of the world.
And from every age.
Yep. Extensive.
He bought them for his grandkids.
Or so he says.
Said grandkids love playing with said animals.
They have been a great source of entertainment for many years already.
And, due to durability and indestructible composition, will doubtless continue to perform this service for many more years to come.
Countless scenarios had been acted out.
Did you know that a dolphin and a North American bison could be roommates and best friends?
Well they can.
(Maybe we can take a little lesson from this vis-a-vis the conflicts in today's world. Just sayin'.)
Back to my story . . .
Three-year-old, Rini, our budding science buff, was playing with two-year-old Thorin.
The theme of the day was dinosaurs.
Rini was acting as voice for the brontosaurus.
Thorin, the same for the triceratops.
The two had set up housekeeping and were currently deciding whose turn it was to go for groceries.
Rini decided a teaching moment had presented itself. And being a child who could accurately pronounce dihydrogen monoxide before her third birthday, she was well-qualified to teach.
Ahem . . .
“Look, Thorin,” she said. “You have a triceratops!”
Thorin stared at her. Then looked down at the toy in his hand.
“Tri-cer-a-tops,” Rini said again. “Tri-cer-a-tops.”
Thorin frowned.
Rini started in again. “Tri-cer-a-tops. Tri-cer-a-tops.”
Thorin smiled and opened his mouth.
Rini smiled, too. And nodded. Encouragingly.
Thorin pointed to the horns on the dinosaur's head.
“Pokies!” he said happily.
Yep. Sometimes all that matters is the obvious.


  1. Another story that makes me smile. My husband was seriously into dinosaurs when he was a child, long before it was a popular topic. He probably knows all about pokies.

  2. So sweet. I love how all your grandchildren show different talents and passions. So much fun to read about.

  3. Heeheehee! It takes all kinds to make a world.


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