Sunday, February 20, 2022

BBB and Me!

 I'm so excited when it's my turn to host!

Yes, it's BBB (Best of Boomer Bloggers) time once again. That time when I get to show off my friends...and me!

First, Carol of  Carol A. Cassara Writer.

Like most of us at this age, Carol Cassara has been dealing with grief and loss. And even though she has developed helpful tools to help people manage through, she's no stranger to the pain, as she explains in her post, Coping with Grief and Loss

Next, Jennifer Koshak at Unfold and Begin

Valentine's day has come and gone but not the need to focus on ourselves. Jennifer, of Unfold and Begin, wonders if Do you treat yourself with the same importance ad others, especially now with our aging bodies. Join her in learning how to loveourselves during the aging process.

 And Laurie of Laurie Stone Writes

Laurie Stone tried not gazing into the seductive squares of Wordle, she really did. She knew she shouldn’t look when she saw people’s scores popping up all over social media. “Keep scrolling,” she told herself. “You already have enough games in your life.” But one day she was weak and succumbed. Before she knew it, Wordle had drawn her in like cotton candy at the summer fair. Here are three things that maybe pull us all in…

Then, Rebecca Forstadt-Olkowski of Babyboomster 

Has some of the spark in your relationship lost its spark? Many people over 50 are enjoying a platonic rather than a romantic relationship with a partner for various reasons. There are benefits and drawbacks to it depending on what makes you happy. Rebecca Olkowski, with, writes about it in her latest post.

And, Rita Robison of Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide

Keep wearing a mask, advises Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. Since Dec. 1, when health officials announced the first omicron case in the United States, the share of Americans who have been killed by the coronavirus is at least 63 percent higher than in any other of the large, wealthy nations.  

Then, Tom Sighting at Sightings Over Sixty

Older people are supposed to be wise, says Tom at Sightings Over Sixty. In We Are Old But Are We Wise? he tries to figure out what it means to be wise. We know it probably doesn't involve keeping up with the latest fads and trends, or social media sites. So what is it the wise person knows that the rest of us don't, especially in these changing turbulent times? 

Followed by Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin

There are days in our lives that make an individual realize they are aging. Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin experienced such an episode this week. She recounts the event in this week’s post that made her face the fact that she is now, officially, an old lady.

And finally, ME!

No one has to be told that the world remains in turmoil. In the past weeks, even Canada, known generally as a peacekeeping country, has taken center stage. All of this has gotten Diane thinking about the quiet heroes in our lives. The ones who usually DON'T make the headlines...

And that's a wrap!

A huge thank you to all my amazing friends!


  1. Always my fave time of the weekend. Thanks for hosting this week, Diane!

  2. Wonderful bloggers, great topics. If i had more time in the day, i'd want to follow all of them.

  3. Love it - such a great variety and so much talent here!


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