Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Marked Green

It came out of the blue.
Or green, as you will soon see . . .
Mommy was working at her desk in her office.
Little Girl (hereinafter known as LG) was playing at her little craft table in the next room.
Now, I should probably mention, here, that LG was (and still is) NOT one of those children who got into things. Nope. She was/is a 'rules' sort of person. She liked to know them.
And, on occasion, reinforce them—especially to any other children in the vicinity.
Also, as an only child, she entertained herself with admirable skill.
Sooo . . . back to my story.
Mommy: Desk.
LG: Standing in the doorway.
"What is it?"
Okay, now she had mommy's attention. "Mommy, this happened."
Mommy turned around.
LG was holding up her left hand.
Which has been covered, wrist to fingertips, in green marker.
"LG (not her real name) what did you do?!"
"I'm sorry. It just happened."
"Your entire hand got coloured in green marker."
"Ummm . . . yeah."
"How did it happen?"
"I did it."
A shrug. "I just . . . wanted to."
"You wanted to colour your entire hand."
Mommy was getting a little lost. "But . . . why?"
Another shrug.
"What has Mommy said about drawing on yourself?"
"Not to do it."
"So . . . why did you do it?"
A third shrug.
"Let's go and wash, shall we. Then I think we'll have to put the markers away for a while so we can think about this."
And here's what we take away from this:
I’m sure you’ve seen people out in the world who do seemingly inexplicable things. Things that make you stare at them and think to yourself: Really? You're going to go with that? Did you even think about this at all?!
Those things?
Yeah, it's still inexplicable.


  1. You always have such suitable pictures for your stories. At least she stopped after her hand!

  2. It just happened! I can totally relate. And the picture is priceless.

  3. Kids are genius at getting into incredible messes. Love the picture!

  4. 'It just happened' happens here too. To both of us.

  5. It just happened - is my go to! Great pic.

  6. Sometimes we just don't know what overcomes us.

  7. Hi Diane - I just wanted to pop over and say thanks for the lovely encouraging comment you left. I don't link up with TWOM anymore so I've been out of the loop. Loved your story (and the green hand) and yes, there are a lot of people out there in the world making extremely poor choices atm - and all I can do is shake my head and hope they wake up to it.

  8. Cute story and love the picture!

  9. That's so cute and LG's hand is really really green.


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