Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Skewed View

Starting to think about travel again...maybe...
A better view. From our porch.
The history.
The culture.
The food.
The heat.
The warm beach.
The tourists . . .
Husby and I had finally achieved a lifetime dream and were sitting beneath a shady umbrella on a patch of the wide, white sand near Cancun.
 Around us was every classic romantic novel encapsulated.
Creamy surf laving the beach.
Sun-worshiping bodies lying in various positions of relaxation and abandon.
A soft breeze caressing white skin (safely hidden from the February sun), flirting with the fringe of the striped umbrella, teasing the brim of an intricately woven hat and breathing gently across the ice floating in a crimson drink.
With a sigh of pure contentment, Husby leaned back and took a long drink, ice clicking quietly in his tall glass. 
Then he gasped.
I looked at him. His eyes had widened as he stared at something down the beach. I turned to follow his gaze.
And felt my breath catch in my throat.
A large man . . . I emphasize large . . . was coming toward us.
And he was naked.
No. Wait. Beneath a ponderous, hanging belly, did I catch a glimpse of something . . . blue?
The man turned slightly.
I did! Something blue!
I felt the blood drain out of my face. Okay. Something small and blue.
The man had enveloped his cargo in a speedo.
Then, not really concerned with anything as trivial as modesty, had . . . rolled it down.
The result was not a mere infraction of the whole beach-wardrobe code, it was a felonious crime of . . . massive proportions.
I reached for Husby’s drink and gulped.
Lying on a beach in Mexico had been heralded as the ultimate in relaxation and pure, sensual comfort. With limitless views of both ocean and sky.
No one had mentioned the views that one could encounter a little closer to one’s beach chair.
Umm . . . Yikes.


  1. I loved Cancun, especially the snorkeling (where, I might add, there were no unexpected sightings).

  2. Yikes is right! But wouldn't it be great if women were less self-conscious of how we looked on the beach? Maybe not THAT much, but moving in that direction?

  3. Speedos are NEVER a good look. Never ever.

  4. I love Mexican beaches, but yes, you never know what you'll see!

  5. You pulled me in with the "soft breeze" paragraph, and I was imagining an escape from tomorrow's north winds and snow flurries, when...oh no. Oh no. Just no.

  6. It's one of the dangers the travel brochures forget to warn about, and it's every beach, everywhere. The beaches are still worth it.

  7. That's hysterical. I never liked Speedos. Sounds like a heavenly trip, though.

  8. So was this encounter from the past? You said you were thinking about traveling again.

  9. Be sure to wear a mask when you travel again.

  10. I've never been a fan of speedos. Way to much to look at. LOL


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