Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Tiny Truths

 What can I’s just a ‘poetry’ week!

Six of Seventeen...
These are truths I’ve come to know
As through Life I’ve chanced to go.
A better time you will have too. 
If you share what you do accrue . . .

The first: you cannot baptize cats,
Don’t argue, just accept the fact.

If Mom and Dad, a spat have shared,
Never let Mom brush your hair.

If Sister hits, then don’t hit back,
You will get blamed for the attack.

Though with faith he seems imbued,
Don’t trust your dog to watch your food.

Unless you want a style with ‘flair’,
Don’t sneeze while someone cuts your hair.

When holding cats, to avoid the welts,
Leave the vacuum somewhere else.

If brother is a three-year-old,
A tomato’s not for him to hold.

White shorts look good, but people stare
At polka-dotted underwear.

And when you‘re sad as sad can be,
The best place is on Gramma’s knee.

And as I’ve aged, my wisdom’s grown,
My chickens from the nest have flown.
But as an elder, I’ve learned more,
Take heed, here’s what you have in store.

Raising teenagers, you’ll agree, 
S’like nailing jelly to a tree.

Those wrinkles, although clearly there.
Are painless. Just so you’re aware.

Those oaks that you see standing ‘round,
Were once a nut that held its ground.

If jogging’s what you like to do,
Then laugh. You’ll jog the inside, too.

And cereal somewhat kills the joy,
When picked for fibre. Not the toy.

So there. That’s it. It’s all I’ve got.
I know it’s really not a lot.
But if you want to silly be.
Try these, and you’ll be just like me.


  1. Such wisdom (some learned the hard way, I suspect) but my question is, how many children can you fit on your lap?

  2. All so true, and made me smile, especially the haircut advice. lol

  3. Loved this so much. Such a perfect blend of humor and wisdom. Laurie

  4. It's so much better, as you go through life, to learn from the wisdom of others. After all, there's not enough time to make all the mistakes and learn from them for yourself.

  5. Hehe I like this collection a lot - even though we actuallly did baptize our cat.

  6. The great truths of life. You inspired me to write one that would fit after wrinkles:
    But those aches in back and knee?
    Arthritis says youth isn't free.


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