Sunday, July 24, 2022

My turn for My BBBs!


It's my turn and I couldn't be happier!
Once every eight weeks, I get to host my amazing friends for our Best of Boomer Bloggers recap.
It's fun.
It's informative.
And I still can't believe I get to be one of them!

Let's just start right in, shall we?
First up, we have Jennifer of Unfold and Begin!

Feeling motivated and ready to tackle the projects at hand can be daunting, especially if you're just watching the clock unable to figure out how to start? Jennifer, of Unfold and Begin, suggests these 25 affirmations for productivity and to conquer procrastination.


 Then we have Carol of Carol A. Cassara: Writer!

Semantics. They're important. We want to be sure we are saying what we mean. And on some hot button topics, we ned to do more listening than speaking. Over at Carol Cassara's blog today, she talks about the common claim "I don't see color" and what it really means to the people involved. 

Then on to Rebecca at BabyBoomster!

Rebecca Olkowski, with is up in Napa, California taking care of her brother’s pets for a few weeks, so she wrote a post on the benefits of petsitting for seniors. In addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery, drinking great wine, and exploring, she is managing a menagerie of 3 large poodles, chickens, 4 cats, and a bird.

And Laurie of Laurie Stone Writes!

Sometimes we discover sides of ourselves we never knew we had. Laurie Stone’s recent find happened as she scrolled down her favorite videos on Instagram. Reels of beautiful nature scenes, lovely interiors, and inspirational people often help her escape the stress of today’s world. Then she had an idea. Why not post her own videos? Little did she know that moment would change her life in three wonderful ways

Then Meryl of Beach Boomer Bulletin!

Summer ushers in the season of farmer’s markets. Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin is a proud member of a group of volunteers offering a unique market service - free advice. Folks of all ages consult on any topic, and as the group’s motto states, "“it may not be the best advice, but it’s free.” Baer describes the team in this week’s post, Open for Business: Old Coots Giving Advice.

And Tom from Sightings Over Sixty!

Tom from Sightings Over Sixty has some friends who recently retired and are now thinking about relocating. They were looking for some advice since they knew Tom and his wife relocated after they retired a couple of years ago. The friends are considering several locations on the East Coast as well as possibly Colorado. So to help his friends -- and maybe the rest of us -- Tom has come up with Relocating in Retirement: A Checklist -- things to consider when scouting out a place to live after you retire.

Followed by Rita at Rita R. Robison Consumer and Personal Finance Journalist

Raspberries are delicious and nutritious, says Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. Read all about these wonderful berries in her article “How to Freeze Raspberries.

And lastbutnotleast...ME! Diane of On the Border

Diane's Dad was full of advice learned from over nine decades of 'doing'. One gem of wisdom he shared has mapped out her life!

And that's a wrap! Tell me you enjoyed this as much as I did! 


  1. You reminded me of a blog I follow but don't read that much - shame on me!

  2. I too am honored to be counted among these bloggers ... and am always surprised at the variety and different interests represented. Thanks for posting.

  3. Great job, Diane!.... Laurie

  4. You point out some excellent reads, thank you!


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