Friday, August 26, 2022

When Furniture is Fun

You know I love my furniture, I’m just a fixtures hack,
Why, me and my recliner, we two go way, way back!

A guy was just caught robbing the local furn’ture 'lair',

The law was swift in acting—that bad man got the chair.
A friend of mine makes furniture, ‘tis there he spends his days,
He fell into the upholstery machine. He's recovered now, they say.
To whoever stole my polish, ‘bout the outcome I won’t hedge…
Please know that I will find you. And that’s my final Pledge.
Someone stole my credit cards, in the chairs wing spent some time.
I found out when the bank told me my card had been reclined.
Saw some sea birds ordering stuff—for people, they were labeled,
I thought Ikea sold to folks, but I guess the terns have tabled.
The furniture factory said they were a ‘mirror inspector’ wooing,
I told them I had interest because, "That, I could see me doing."
A ventriloquist dummy died, t’was polish made the lad diminish.
It was a slow death, certainly, but had a lovely finish!

The salesman said, “This sofa will seat five with little strife.”
But I don’t know that many without troubles in their life!
My boss said, "After what you did. You're fired! You’re toast! You’re banned!"
But I’m regretting nothing. Sometimes one must take a stand.

Karen asks, "Write for me, please?"
We write because she's the Bee's Knees!
And we love her, you know that’s true,
So this is what we writers do . . .
We craft a poem based on a theme,
With pencils, sharp, and eyes agleam,
Each month we write and have such fun
We can't wait for another one,
Sooo...this month, how well did I do?
Please go and see the others, too:

Baking In A Tornado: FavoriteChair


  1. Poetry AND puns. I don't know whether to laugh or to groan! Maybe I'll do both.

  2. LOL is a literal statement here. In fact, I did it 10 times!

  3. So good! Looks like fun to write. You're giving me ideas...Laurie

  4. Heeheehee! You did a great job, as always.

    Mine, i worked on it, and when i thought i'd updated my post to have it, it wasn't there, and i didn't know it until late, and doggone, blogger, i really need some cooperation! It's there now, but it took several tries.


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