Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Merry Cole

Not quite how I pictured it. But almost as good...

Old King Cole was a merry old soul,
And a merry old soul was he,
He called for his pipe, he called for his bowl
He called for his fiddlers three.

Every fiddler, he had a fiddle,
And a very fine fiddle had he.
Oh there's none so rare, as can compare

With King Cole and his fiddlers three. 
Published: 1708 

I love this poem! It’s cheerful from start to finish.
And, let’s face it, a bit of cheerfulness right now is sorely needed.
I’m quite sure everyone reading will agree… 

But let’s discuss. Okay?
First of all, what do you think of Old King Cole? For me, the thought of a merry old man leading my country sounds hugely appealing. 

I’ve heard of kings sober, ummm…un-sober, stupid, intelligent, reckless, precise, war-like, peaceful, avaricious, giving, disgusting, polite, cruel, kind, greedy, generous…and a host of other qualities too numerous to mention. 

But ‘Merry’? Merry just sounds…merry! And teaming it up with the fact that good ol’ Cole was also musical. Merry AND musical? Okay, I’m voting for him. If one voted.

Okay, let's address the ‘musical’ part of the rhyme. Because Cole calls for his pipe. What sort of pipe do you think he played? Flute? Recorder? Fife? Something reed-y? 

And then Cole called for his bowl. Now I haven’t tried them, but I’ve heard that some drinks are offered in a ‘bowl’. Like rum punch. And mead. Sound yummy? 

I’m picturing a little impromptu recital with four individuals, at least one of whom was happy enough to be labelled ‘merry’, enjoying the company of friends who love making music. 

Friends in this increasingly friendless world. Who support you in your interests--even happily play along with you. Does it get any better than that? I’m thinking maybe not.

Thank you, friends.

Today’s post is a writing challenge. Each month one of the participating bloggers picks a number between 12 and 50. All bloggers taking part are then challenged to write using that exact number of words in their post either once or multiple times. 

This month’s word count number is: 30
It was chosen by: Karen! 

Links to the other Word Counters posts:

Baking In A Tornado  

Messymimi’s Meanderings   


  1. Well, I'm thinking about a different kind of pipe and bowl. Wonder if they had hemp back then.

  2. I always pictured a smoking pipe and a bowl of food.

  3. Old King Cole sounds good to me! Can he run for Senate?... Laurie

  4. Well, he can't run for our President here in the U.S. because he wasn't born here, but he would make a fantastic friend for someone. Maybe for spouse and me!

  5. Your discussion is as merry as the poem!

  6. I was thinking bagpipe, but rather lugubrious....


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