Monday, November 7, 2022

A Sticky Story

My Mama said, “Please eat your mush,”
Makes your skin great and your hair lush,
Sticks to your ribs and satisfies,
Just eating it shows you are wise!
It took time to appreciate,
I eat it now and I feel great!
Of course, I add a trifle more,
Than Mom (when I was three or four…)
My oatmeal now is quite the ‘stew’,
I put in raisins, almonds, too,
‘A bit of cinnamon here and there,
And nutmeg, nothing can compare.
Maybe fruit--all kinds will do,
And coconut? Spoon that in, too,
Then sugar, heavy cream, oh, my,
And I’m in Heaven, by and by.
There’s just one thing which I lament,
Although this dish is Heaven sent,
It passes ribs when it passes lips,
Now it just sticks to my hips!

A little bonus today:
It was my Dad's. He's quite a guy!

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

In, or eating, come and see,
Which 'Pickle' topic there will be!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks (with a huge thank-you to Mimi, who comes up with so many of them!)...

Oatmeal (November 7) Today

Pickles (In or eating!) (November 14)
Giving Thanks! (November 21)
French Toast--or Breakfast (November 28)
Mittens (December 5)
Poinsettia -or- Potted Plants (December 12)
Muffins (December 19)
Candy Canes (December 26)
Treasure (January 2)
Stuffed animals (Januray 9)
Get lost (January 16)
Clocks (January 23)
Time (January 30)


  1. The same story around the world told best by you!

  2. I'm laughing, but it's actually not so funny as I'm having the same issue with my baked goodies.

  3. So good to have you back and sharing poems!

  4. I love this. I love the recipe, the warmth, but most of all you take me back to those cold mornings when you could brave the weather with a warm memory to take with you.

  5. How can I become Beth Havey again and not anonymous. Thanks.

  6. I love oatmeal with cranberry sauce. (On top of the heavy cream, vanilla, brown sugar, and cinnamon)

  7. Yum. You make me want to have some oatmeal again, sounds so good. Hope you're feeling better....Laurie

  8. Sounds good. And even better that you're up to eating oatmeals and poming about it!

  9. You given me some great tips to spruce up my oatmeal.

  10. I loved hot cereal as a child! Memories....

  11. That's the problem with the "carrier grains,", sometimes they carry too much!

  12. In all the years I read or heard "eat your mush" I always thought "yuk, mush?" but now I know it is oatmeal, so thank you. We call it porridge and I have been eating it almost my whole life. I add finely cut dried dates and apricots to mine, but just lately I've been forgetting the cinnamon! I never added heavy cream though.


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