Thursday, November 17, 2022

Finding One's Manners

Q teaching manners to Uncle.

Manners are important in youngest daughter’s family.

Something she and her husby are trying to instill in their children.

One of the words they are trying to limit/purge from their family vocabulary is ‘stupid’.

Their success is…patchy.

Case in point:

Youngest daughter of youngest daughter (hereinafter called Q) was talking to her mom. At some point in her discourse came the phrase, “Mom is so stupid”. Wherein, a horrified look crossed her little face and she instantly and loudly juggled in the word, ‘SILLY’.

Then Q, still obviously dismayed, stared at her mom. She blinked. “Ummm….I don’t know what happened,” she said at last. “My manners fell out of my head!”

Running over to the garbage, she flipped back the lid. “There they are!”

Learning to be well-mannered isn’t always measurably successful.

But it sure can be entertaining!


  1. So cute! Makes me want to have toddlers running around the place!...Laurie

  2. I loved this! 😊

  3. As the late Art Linkletter used to say, kids say the darndest things!

  4. How brilliantly sweet!!!

  5. I know many adults who need lessons in manners. Probably even more than kids these days.

  6. A picture is worth a 1000 words.


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