Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Sleeping Through the Exciting Part

As with many things, the roots of this story go way, way back. To the joyous and much-anticipated birth of a baby.
A planned ‘welcome to the world sweet, precious girl’ party.
And real/imagined slights.
So here we go… 

Way back in the 1400’s, Princess Aurora was born to goodly parents. These parents, the king and queen of the land had been awaiting this birth for what seemed forever.
And they were just a tad…excited?

Assuming that the rest of the country would want to celebrate their glorious news with them, they announced a grand party where there would be much…erm…celebrating. Games and contests. Food. Dancing. Talk and laughter.
And, of course, gift-giving.


Invitations were sent to nearly every household. And, amazingly, RSVP’s were soon pouring in.
I know what you’re thinking. Few people RSVP any more. They just show up.
But go with me on this. It is a Fairy Tale… 

The day arrived and so did the crowd. Soon, the party was hitting on all cylinders.
Oh, wait. This is the 1400’s.
The party was hitting on all hooves.
More accurate?
People were playing. Dancing. Eating. Doing ‘party’ stuff.
Then the all-important gift-giving time arrived. I don’t know about you, but I love that time!
And cake. I love cake.
There were the usual gifts.
Baby dresses enough for 1000 babies.
A boatload of silver spoons.
At least one set of sheets. (Who invited that kid?!)
And then the Fairy Godmothers showed up.
Now one really never knows when this will happen. They’re kind of on their own schedule.
Thus the lack of anticipation/preparation.
Now the first Fairy endowed sweet Aurora—magically—with beauty.
Cause who wants a plain princess?
Okay, that’s a whole other issue—moving on…
The second FG endowed her with the gift of song.
No sour notes there. 
The third had just pulled out her wand when the ‘oops-oh-dear-really?-you-didn’t-get-your-invitation?-how-did-that-happen-it-must-have-been-addressed-wrong’ guest arrived.
Just a mite vexed at the oversight.
‘Mite vexed’. *snort*
You should see her when she really gets going!
Despite not receiving an invitation—whatever the reason—this uninvited guest (UIG for short) pulls out her wand and, with a sly smile, bestows her own gift.
Something that would actually be delivered by spindle on little Princess Aurora’s 16th birthday.
Yes, I know. Hardly an appropriate gift at a gala celebrating ‘life’.
Maybe there really was a reason her invitation went ‘astray’.
Just sayin’…
Then she vanished.
Huh. Didn’t even stay for cake.
Ummm…I’ll have her slice if no one minds.
Back to my story…
Needless to say, the party was pretty much over at that point.
A death sentence can do that.
The third FG stepped up.
She couldn’t stop that gift. It had already been ordered.
But she could…change…it.
Instead of ‘death’, she could commute it to ‘sleep’.
Not so different!
I know people who sleep like the dead already!
No sooner said than done.
Then, in order to ensure no one (ie. disgruntled UIG’s) could sneak in and cause further unannounced complications, little Aurora was sent with her FGM’s deep into the forest.
And all spindles were burned.
I guess cloth would be ordered in for the next 16+ years.
That night, Aurora and her three guardians left the castle to take up lodgings in the ubiquitous ‘somewhere’.
Without magic or anything else that would call attention.
And there the four of them stayed.
The three FGM’s who couldn’t ‘magic’.
And one royal personage who couldn’t ‘princess’.
Strangely enough, the girl thrived.
No real word on how the FGM’s truly did.
But at least they survived.
Of course there’s also the little side story of incognito Aurora meeting and falling for a bona-fide prince hours short of her all-important 16th.
And said prince thereafter being captured and imprisoned by that same UIG.
The 16 years passed. The three dutiful FGM’s brought her back to the castle and her pining loved-ones.
A word on her parents through all this.
I know for sure I would have been.
What are your thoughts?
But, unbeknownst to everyone else, the UIG was waiting.
With a spinning wheel she had been saving for just such an occasion.
She coerced Aurora into touching the nasty spindle.
And the curse/counter curse clicked into place.
The FGM’s discovered her apparently-lifeless-but-only-sleeping body and ensconced her in a soft-and-comfortable bed.
Hey you picture it how you want.
Me? If I’m going to be there a while, I want soft and comfortable!
Then, to derail (oops 1400’s!) sidetrack any more pain and heartache, they put all the rest of the kingdom to sleep as well.
Because the only thing that could break the IUG’s nasty spell was true love’s first kiss.
And who knew how long that would take?
I’m sure I’m not giving away too much if I remind you of Aurora’s sweet prince imprisoned in the IUG’s ‘guest quarters’.
He’s not getting out of there any time soon.
Well, not without a little interference from the aforementioned FGM’s.
Something you should probably know: Never underestimate FGM’s.
And their trusty—not rusty despite 16 years of being stuck in a closet—wands.
Those beggars are made to last!
The FGM’s manage to break the prince out of said prison.
Endow him with power to destroy the UIG.
Then watch as he fights said UIG and then leaves her as a moldering heap of sword-skewered former greatness.
The prince, again led by the FGM’s, finds his way back to Aurora’s castle where his true love lies somewhere in an upper chamber.
Dreaming of True Love’s kiss.
I’m assuming. I was unsuccessful in finding any personal interviews.
The prince sees her lying there looking…totally attractive…
Okay, here is where I wonder about the whole ‘beautifully asleep’ scenario.
Does no one in Fairy Tales drool?
Awaken with lines completely spider-webbing one cheek? And really bad breath/hair?
The prince, overcome with love, gives Aurora Love’s First Kiss.
Whereupon (good word) she awakens.
I should point out there was none of the expected screaming, “There’s a MAN in my room!”
Wherein her father appears, sword in hand.
Just a sweet smile.
The reaching out of a soft hand.
And two young people—together at last—appearing at the top of a great staircase…
Another thing. What’s with great staircases in Fairy Tales?
One word: Arthritis.
The spell is broken. The young sweethearts are together at last.
The UIG is a rotting heap at the bottom of a nearby cliff.
What else could we add here?
Oh, you’re right.
And they lived happily ever after.

Today’s post is a writing challenge. Each month one of the participating bloggers picks a number between 12 and 50. All bloggers taking part that month are then challenged to write using that exact number of words in their posts either once or multiple times. 

This month’s word count number is: 39
It was chosen by: ME! 

Here are the links to the other blogs featuring this challenge. Check them all out! 

BakingIn ATornado                    



  1. Great story (even better storytelling), you should have this made into a movie.

  2. I love your customized fairy tales. So funny and charming... Laurie

  3. "Diane's Fractured Fairy Tales". An instant best seller. Please, do it! (And if you do it, I share in the royalties. No, only kidding!

  4. I'm with you on the whole "beautifully asleep" thing. Not what i can manage, for sure, but i'm no princess.

    Well done!

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed this, great story telling!


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