Thursday, December 15, 2022

I Ear You

Our family has had an epiphany.
Something that has been playing around at the back of our minds and only just now realized…
We exist to keep the magic alive.
There, I said it.
And there are countless others who do it—and to them, I say, “Thank you!”
It’s an important job, keeping the magic alive.
But it’s totally fun to do.
Husby and I do it by acting as Santa and Mrs. through the Christmas season.
Others do it…well, let me tell you about it…
Eldest daughter (hereinafter called ED) works at a local Dollar Tree store.
She loves it—meeting people. Visiting.
Occasionally working. (Okay, yes, she works hard—I just had to throw that in.)
Throughout the Christmas season, she has been wearing ‘Elf’ ears.
They look fairly real. Quite spectacular, in fact.
And the children who come into the store with their Mamas notice.
Many of them ask her if they are real.
She responds with a finger to her lips and a “Shhhh.”
Yesterday a little boy came into the store with his Mama looking for gift bags.
ED was helping them.
The little boy was staring at her ears. Finally, he couldn’t contain himself any longer. “Are those ears real?” he asked.
ED put a finger to her lips and said, “Shhh. Not everyone can see them!”
He looked at his mother.
She was looking at him. “What ears?” she asked. She, too, looked at ED. “I don’t see anything different.”
He gasped and put both hands over his mouth as his eyes lit up like stars.
The magic continues.

Into the next generation.

Husby and Me. More Magic...


  1. So happy you and husbie can be Santa Claus again.

  2. Love this so much. Loved how the mom played along...Laurie

  3. I love this so much! ED is my kinda... elf!

  4. This is such a sweet story, Diane. And you and husby make a great Santa and Missus :)

  5. Excellent elf ears!


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