Thursday, January 26, 2023

Moving Out

A room of her own...
Our youngest daughter and her family lived with us.
They had been saving for a house and it seemed a logical--and rather elegant--solution.
We had enjoyed those days together, probably more so because we knew they wouldn’t last forever.
But the house-hunting had started.
Now you have to realize that Youngest Daughter (hereinafter known as Mama) had been with us since her first marriage crumbled. Her little girl (LG) was just past a year old When things fell apart and Mama needed the support as she went back to work.
Grandma got to spend her days with LG and routines continued unabated. (Ooh. Good word.)
But now, with a wonderful new husband and a desire to ‘add to their family’ (whatever that means…) they were getting serious about finding a place of their own.
There were certain things they wanted in their new home. A garage was important so Mama could continue with her theatre carpentry at her own home.
Things like a kitchen, living room, basement are a given.
And bedrooms.
And this is where other members of their family made their wishes known.
LG had some particular demands. For one, she wanted the master bedroom to be big enough that her little bed could be parked beside her mother’s. None of this ‘separate rooms’ nonsense.
Also, there must be a room for Grandma.
Soooo . . . at least two bedrooms.
Now we know what a real estate agent goes through.


  1. It will be interesting to see what career path LG takes as an adult!

  2. She certainly knew what she wanted!


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