Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Greatest Rewards

Sometimes, the greatest rewards come in the smallest packages…
We are a church-going family. We love it.
And most of us sit together in our Sunday morning congregation, ensuring that at least three pews are taken up solely with members of the Tolley clan. 

We love that, too.
Inevitably, I am hemmed in by small bodies. With at least one on my lap.
Let’s just say it ensures that I don’t doze off during the meeting. 
And leave it at that…

This past Sunday, I had little four-year-old Twizzle on my lap.
She leaned into me and took a deep breath. “Gramma,” she said. “Is that your heart I can smell?”
I looked at her.
She had her nose snuggled into my sweater at about chest height.
“I suppose so, Sweetie,” I said.
She sighed happily and leaned in closer. “I love the smell of love!”
It just doesn’t get better than that.


Today’s post is a word challenge! Each month one of us chooses a number between 12 and 50 and the rest craft a post using that number of words one or multiple times.

This month’s word count number is 42. And was brought to you by: Me!

Links to the other Word Counters posts:

Baking In ATornado



  1. No, it truly doesn't get any better than that.

  2. Wow! Aren't children poetic? Beautiful... Laurie

  3. That's so sweet! What a lucky Grandma!

  4. What a lovely moment for you and your little granddaughter will forever associate that scent with you and love! ♥


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