Friday, February 24, 2023

Given Away

Invisible for just one day?

What would I do? What would I say?
I could quietly sneak around,
Never worried ‘bout being found!
Listening in on tête-à-têtes,
Solving crimes or teasing pets,
How about a ‘bank withdrawal’?
Then claim I’d not been there at all!
I’d quietly break a rule or two,
No shoes, no shirt? Well, ha! Pooh-pooh!
I wouldn’t have to stand in line,
For anything and that’d be fine!
  See all the movies that I want,
Like a spirit—ghostly haunt,
Take the retail lying about,
Spook everyone as I walked out,
It’d be so fun, it’d be so free,
Thinking only a-bout me!
But there’s a catch to sneaking ‘bout,
I know that I would be found out,
Cause every joint from neck to knees,
Sounds like wood chimes in a breeze,
The snapping, popping noise would prove
Where’er I was whene’er I moved,
The pressure’d be too much for me,
Trying to shush my hips and knees,
So I think I’ll happ’ly stay
Visible just like any day.
A small addendum you will love,
From what was written up above,
The fashion world, you could eschew…
“Not much to look at” would be true! 

Welcome to our Monthly Poetry Challenge!

This month’s theme? Invisible for Just One Day

How did I do?

Now go and see what my friends have crafted!

Baking In A Tornado: Havoc or Haven






  1. Well, they could think that popping and creaking was me . . . and I love you addendum, the emperor could actually get away with no clothes.

  2. I would be freezing cold without clothes but wouldn't that be fun to be able to walk around invisible- yes, except for my popping joints.

  3. I'm snap, crackle, and popping along with you. ;)


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