Tuesday, March 14, 2023


Until Covid, we Tolleys celebrated every March 14 (3.14) with Pi(e).
It was busy.
It was delicious.
It was...fun!
Then the 2020 Covid lockdown came—quite literally the day my daughter and I were to make the pies.
We sighed and put our rolling pins into storage and waited for the all-clear.
This year, it came.
So yesterday, we (my daughter and two of my granddaughters) spent a few hours making pies.
70 of them to be exact. 10 different kinds (in no particular order): Cherry, Blueberry, Apple, Rhubarb/Strawberry, Peach, Pumpkin, Banana Cream, Coconut Cream, Chocolate, and Lemon.
And today, we have invited our friends and neighbours to come in and eat pie!
I wish you could join us.
I’ll let you know how it goes...
Everything has to start somewhere...

Our crew.
I’m absolutely thrilled that the next generation is learning the joys of the rolling pin!

Ready to go!


  1. Gotta love Pi Day! Fun celebration.....

  2. What a fun large gathering this will be. Some of my favorite flavors, too, but, alas, due to our snowstorm, I won't be showing up....

  3. That's it. I'm flying over there tomorrow. I'd love chocolate or Coconut cream. Yum.

  4. Your room is ready! -Diane

  5. 70 pies! Is there any flour left anywhere at all in your district? I planned on making just one apple pie yesterday (it's Wednesday here already) but I just wasn't feeling up to it. I did cook the apples with the cinnamon and brown sugar and that's as far as I got.

  6. Oh, the fun of baking together. I hope you are all pie-eyed now, in a good way.


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