Friday, April 28, 2023

Seeing the Specialist

 I needed an appointment,
My head just wasn’t fine,
And so I called the doctor,
They scheduled me for nine.
I went down to their building,
So far it all went well,
I walked into the office,
And rang the little bell.
The girl behind the counter,
She asked me who I was,
So I spelled out my name for her,
There was a little pause…
I told her I had problems,
Discomfort, bad, was mine,
She nodded, said, “Which doctor?”
I said ‘normal’ doc was fine.

Today is our Monthly Poetry Challenge.
Our topic? 
Making an Appointment
I love this!
Now go and see what my friends have created!


  1. Heeheehee! Yep, no "which" doctor needed today.

  2. I have so many specialists now, and they are all in different offices. Keeping those appointments straight is getting to be a job!

  3. Well, this is the first time I've been here. Guess you can say I followed my friend Alana here. I go to specialists too. Let's just say I have had 3 back operations so far. Personally I really don't want any more cuz they messed me up big time. I love God's Tree here it's so pretty! Have a wonderful day!


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