Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Potty Consonants

In our early days, there is just so much to learn.
One of the most important of which is ‘language’.
And getting those pesky consonants to say what they are supposed to say.
This will become evident further along.
Tiny Daughter (hereinafter TD) had just passed the time of DIAPERS.
She was now in big girl pants.
But the toilet ‘procedures’ were ongoing.
Mostly successful.
At times…downright humourous…
Mom: “Now remember to wipe from front to back…”
TD: “Bagina to bum. Bagina to bum!”
(Remember where I mentioned ‘consonants’? That would apply here.)
Mom: VaVaVagina. Like V...Volcano.”
Silence for a moment…
TD: “Volcano to Bum. Volcano to Bum.”
Training is ongoing…


  1. Absolutely adorable. Just adorable, Diane!

  2. And I remember a time when the bum actually could be a volcano . . .

  3. Well, hmmmm volcano vagina is something to think about. :O

  4. Volcano...hmmm. Sometimes, though, the mispronunciations are so cute you don't want to correct them!

  5. Out of the mouths of babes, as they say...

  6. I love listening to small children talk. A friend has one daughter who drops all the beginning syllables and just uses the last one of big words, like graph for photograph. Another had an adorable lisp, that is now gone since she's been in school. But I loved how she would say words like shushi when asked what she wanted to eat.

  7. Too cute! I never learned the word vagina until I was much much older.


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