Friday, May 26, 2023

The Happy Place

When I was younger, I’d lean nearer,
My reflection in the mirror,
And study (not what you’d assume…)
The things behind me in that room.
Because I thought that other place, 
More intriguing than my space,
And golly, wouldn’t it be swell,
To go there and bid home farewell?

Just think of all the fun I’d find,
Adventures of the heart and mind,
Why, I could almost picture it,
As through the looking glass, I’d flit.

I did not know, I could not tell,
‘Twas a reflection, just a shell,
That ‘other room’ did not exist,
With my face floating in the midst.

And even if I managed it,
(Going there for just a bit)
Well, backward everything would be,
And I’d have trouble being me!

And so I put that dream away,
But brought it out just yesterday,
A great deal older now, I look,
Things still look good in that Mirror nook.

I couldn’t see the dust and litter,
No noise to make me squirm or skitter,
And backward everything may be,
But no more backward, now, than me! 

I wouldn't have to cook or clean,
I'd go in and come out lean!
So Through a Looking Glass you see,
Sounds like a perfect place for me!

This poem is part of a Monthly Poetry Challenge.
Each month a new theme is chosen.
This month's theme?
Through a Looking Glass!

Care to see what the others have done with the theme?
Look here! 
Baking In A Tornado: Look Again



  1. Well, there you go, pros and cons, everyplace has them.

  2. If that looking glass would send me to a world where I keep all my wisdom and experience but there was peace, I might go for it, as long as there was chocolate, butterflies, and birds.

  3. How lovely. Yes, wouldn't it be nice to visit Looking Glass Land?

  4. When I hang upside down on my inverter, it's amazing how different the room looks. One small shift in perspective can feel enormous.

  5. I love it! Yes, the room in the mirror does sometimes look more interesting and a short visit there might be in order if we could arrange it.


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