Sunday, June 4, 2023

BBB's and Me

Following a minimal wifi holiday (more about that in a few days), I am so pleased to be able to host my wonderful blog sisters in the Best of Boomer Bloggers again.
They've been busy...

First up, Carol of Carol A. Cassara, Writer

Football's a huge part of American life, but, as Carol Cassara points out this week on her blog, there are disturbing medical findings about even high school players who take hits in this hard contact sport. Read about it in Don't Let Toxic Masculinity (and CTE) Destroy Your Sons.

Then Laurie of
Laurie Stone Writes
Every now and then we see something in nature that tugs at our heart. The other day Laurie spotted a Mother Robin sitting on her nest, which happened to be on top of the light over the back door. The evening was cold, rainy, and windy as Laurie hurried to take out the trash. But as she came back, there sat Mother Robin keeping her babies warm, looking so resolute and devoted. The sight touched her. There was one problem.

Interested in brain health as you get older? asks Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. New studies show – in addition to being linked to diabetes, obesity, cancer, anxiety, and depression – there’s a link between eating ultraprocessed food and increased risk of cognitive decline

And me, Diane, of On the Border

It was a short career. Even by the world's standard. 
An hour at most.
It was nipped almost before it got started.


  1. I will no longer watch American style football for this very reason. It's dangerous.

    Great articles, i'm glad you highlight such excellence.

  2. Thanks, Diane and sorry I spaced out this week.


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