Monday, June 19, 2023

Tuckered Out Puckering

In honour of National Kissing Day:

My sleep was deep and long, you know
A perfect sleep, it’s true.
And when I woke I couldn’t help
But feel as fresh as dew.

My heart, it sang. So full of joy,
It threatened it’d explode,
And all that happiness. A stream
Which from my soul just flowed!

The person, there, beside me,
Well, I woke them with my kiss,
Said, “I’m so glad that I’m alive!
Isn’t this just bliss?”

Apparently all that cheerfulness,
In future, I’ll contain,
Or I’ll never be allowed to ride
On that airline again!

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Canoes are fun. Canoes are cool,
Next week Canoes, right here, will rule!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks 
(with a huge thank-you to Mimi, who comes up with so many of them!)...

Kissing (June 19) Today!
Canoes (June 26)
Mirrors (July 3)
Teddy Bears (July 10)
Emojis (July 17)
Cousins (July 24)
Avocados (July 31)
Moonshine (August 7)
Roses (August 14)
Sea Monsters (August 21)
At the Beauty Parlour/Parlor (August 28)


  1. From menopausal Mother: Diane, this is hilarious!!!

  2. I can envy you for being able to have a perfect, blissful sleep on an airplane! I also vote for your seatmate not minding that kiss.

  3. Heeheehee! Yep, unfortunately, these days, you'd best hold that enthusiastic pucker.


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