Monday, July 17, 2023


Emojis, now, are what we’ve got
If you’re smiling😊. Or if not,😔
Because we’re never face-to-face,😙
When body language’d be the case💃,
Creative’s what we’ve had to get👩‍🎨,
Show anger😠, fear😨, joy🥳 or regret😟,
And sadness😢, yes, there’s some for that😫,
When we’re online and want to chat😛.
Thank Japanese (this I confess)😇,
That ‘text’ emotions aren’t a guess,🤔
Cause ‘e’ means ‘picture’🏞, that’s for sure,
While ‘moji’ just means ‘character’🧧,
And put together, they compute💻,
And give us something really cute😻!
But there’s one drawback I do tell…🤫
Sometimes they don’t translate too well🤯😱😭,
So my advice 🧐from me to you,
Use those emojis🤗, yes, please do,
They liven up what could be dull🥱,
Expression goes to 10 from null!🤪😏🥴
But say you won’t in this tech race⛹…
Forget talking face-to-face!😊😊😊

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, 'Cousins', surely your
Favourite relatives, for sure!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks 
(with a huge thank-you to Mimi, who comes up with so many of them!)...

Emojis (July 17) Today!
Cousins (July 24)
Avocados (July 31)
Moonshine (August 7)
Roses (August 14)
Sea Monsters (August 21)
At the Beauty Parlour/Parlor (August 28)


  1. Yes, talking face to face is becoming a lost art!

  2. I'll bet that, due to all your grands, you are an expert on emojis. I have to do some self study because people my age (seniors) are using them more and more and there are so many I don't know. This post is a great beginner's lesson.

  3. They can come in handy, Thanks for the smile!


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