Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Medieval-ly Yours

First things first: Happy Independence Day to all my American Brothers and Sisters!
I hope you have a wonderful day full of celebration.
And I hope the weather gods smile upon you!

Our own national celebration was a few days ago.
July 1.
Canada Day.
For years, our family celebrated with a grand Medieval Feast.
The one in which everyone dresses up...erm...medieval-ly, and then has a great feast wherein everyone gets a bread trencher (that serves as both plate and sop), a bowl of gravy (for something to sop), and a knife.
And also plays really old games--some with a new twist.
Covid put the brakes on it.
But this year, we broke out and decided to have a go.
The weather was 'iffy', but we had a few minutes outside to joust and ax-throw.
It was just SO FUN to be doing this again!
This was the result...

Everyone having a marvelous time! (erm...)

Your utensils, Milady. (Okay, yes, I cheated this year.
In years past I made the trenchers. This year, we got pitas...
Bread is bread. Right?)

This is a photo of feasts past.
The weather didn't cooperate this year!

Another shot of everyone!
Note the two little dragons...
(Please excuse the lack of focus. Medieval cameras can be so capricious!)

Yes, there are two grandchildren in that 'horse'.

The dragons were the first to give out.

Despite the rain and the fact that not everyone could come, we had a grand time.
This Grandma was very happy!
Stay tuned for bigger and better next year!


  1. Yay for getting back to pre-Covid traditions. That looks like so much fun!

  2. Those sleeping dragons take the prize!


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