Friday, August 25, 2023


A politician standing there outside the pearly gates,
Listened to St. Peter as the man discussed his fate,
“Now you can come right in,” he said, “But better you should see
The way that they do things in Hell. Informed, then, you will be!” 

So ‘Gerrold’, as we’ll call him shrugged and told the man, “Okay.
I really didn’t have another thing planned for today.”
The next he knew, was waking up in a five-star hotel room,
With Satan standing by his bed, with jokes and naught of doom. 

He offered Gerrold drinks from his convenient mini bar
Then took him to the window. What he saw there was bizarre,
For all his friends were teeing off in a golf course for the pros,
“You like golf?” Satan asked him. “Well, Son, we’ve got ten of those!”

“There’s everything that you could want to make forever sweet,
And all you have to do is say you’ll stay to play and eat!
Well Gerrold spent that day enjoying all they offered him,
Including time spent with his wife, once more so young and trim.

Then finally, once more he stood outside the pearly gates,
With St. Peter once more asking what he wanted for his fate,
Well, Gerrold shrugged and told him, ”Hell. You know it was a lark!”
St. Peter said, “I figured so.” Then snapped. And all went dark.

Gerrold frowned and peered around, but not much could he see,
The air, it smelled of cinders and the light, dim as could be,
As his eyes adjusted, there stood Satan by his side,
“What’s going on? This isn’t right, old buddy!” Gerrold cried. 

“Where’s the golf course? Where’s the food. And where’s my wife?” asked he,
“Before all this was beautiful. Just lovely as could be!
But now there’s grief around me everywhere, that I have noted!”

“Before we were campaigning, but dear Gerrold, now, you’ve voted!”

So know when making choices that you need to be aware,
Cause sometimes there are options that could catch you in a snare,
And things won’t be exactly what you think that you behold…
I guess you’ve learned by now that: All that Glitters is not GOLD!
Karen asks, "Write for me, please?” 
We write because she's the Bee's Knees!
And we love her, you know that’s true,
So this is what we writers do . . .
We craft a poem based on a theme,
With pencils, sharp, and eyes agleam,
Each month we write and have such fun
We can't wait for another one,
With GOLD this month, how did I do?

Please go and see the others, too!

Karen at Baking in a Tornado

Mimi at messymimismeanderings


  1. Ah, the old bait and switch. Beware indeed.

  2. No such thing as a free lunch-- or golf!

  3. Guess he found the special place for most politicians. Great poem!

  4. Brilliant! Yes, look closely before choosing.


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