Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Banff 2023

Ugh. Not these pants!

For over 30 years, the last week of August has been our family’s holiday time in Banff.
We move into our timeshare unit with the smooth custom of many, many years.
Everything is familiar.
Then the memories close comfortably in around us.
Our kids learning to swim in that pool.
Hiking the trails until they seemed like old friends.
Shopping and talking and playing games.
Eating ice cream and Beaver Tails.
Playing some more games.
Watching movies together.
In a word: Paradise.
30+ years makes for a lot of memories!
This year, our eldest son and his family were there with Grampa and Gramma.
They had a unit of their own right next door. So, we did what any family would do—moved their table into our apartment and with ours, used our front room as the community dining hall.
Allowing his family of eight-plus-one to spread out in their sleeping arrangements.
It was glorious! All meals were eaten together, and Gramma was in heaven.
But, as with any situation where a lot of people are co-habiting, there was the occasional…bump.
Six-year-old Granddaughter was feeling the stress of a lot of people in the near vicinity and woke up one morning (as my mother used to say) on the wrong side of the bed.
Her mother was trying to help her dress for the day and the topic of choice was the reason why she couldn’t wear the same pants she had been wearing for the previous two days.
Mom: “Why don’t you wear these pants instead?”
6YO: “I don't like those pants!”
Mom: “Then why did you pack them?”
6YO (Loudly): “I didn't!! Dad packed them because he called me and I wouldn't come!!!”
Sometimes the truth just sort of…spills out.

Some more pictures:
Forest Wood Elf

The Crew

Our Newlyweds

More elves...

We do love our biking!

The gardens


  1. Sometimes lessons must be learned the hard way!

  2. Next time, someone's going to come.

  3. Ah, the memories. Grandma and Grandpa had a condo on the beach. The whole family would go, for years and years. We miss it.

    Someone certainly did wake up on the wrong side of the bed that morning. Or as my special friend Becca once put it, "I woke up on the wrong side of my brain this morning!"

  4. A delightful tradition! 30+ years of family memories in Banff sounds incredible. The candid moment with your granddaughter is both funny and endearing. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos!

  5. I do love how idyllic this sounds!

  6. Wonderful memories for everyone. Looks like such a beautiful area.

  7. Anonymous is me by the way! I guess I wasn't signed in. LOL


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