Sunday, September 10, 2023

My BBB’s and Me

 It’s my turn again! When I get to host my amazing Blog Sisters in the Best of Boomer Bloggers!

First up is Carol Cassara of Carol A. Casara, Writer:
"But, wait!" Have you ever felt misunderstood? the need to explain yourself? Carol Cassara offers advice on her blog in "Let Them Be Wrong About You."

Next is Laurie of  Laurie Stone Writes:
Recently, Laurie’s husband Randy and she were sleeping soundly in the wee hours when their terrier, Libby, started barking. Only this wasn’t the dog’s usual “hearing a raccoon meandering outside” half-hearted growl. This was a full-throated, loud, angry protest. Libby leapt off the bed and stood by their front window, yapping in a maddened frenzy. Nervous at what she’d find, Laurie crept over, 
and peeked out.

And Jennifer of Unfold and Begin:
Heard about affirmations but you're not sure how to use them or if they even work?  Jennifer, of Unfold and Begin, shares results from a recent study on affirmations and writes about how
embracing affirmations can shape your mindset.

Then Rebecca Olkowski of BabyBoomster:

Are you ready to start bouncing on a trampoline? Rebecca Olkowski interviewed a man who is an expert in this, and he is over 60. Find out the 
benefits of using trampolines and how they can help you stay healthy over 50.

Followed by Meryl Baer of Musings of a Shore Life

Meryl Baer of Musings of a Shore Life 
managed to avoid getting Covid 19 - until now. Vaccinated and careful until now, she succumbed to the illness and tells us how she coped in this week’s post - Summer Sticks Around and Covid Comes.

California’s expected adoption of a law banning 26 chemicals used in U.S. cosmetics is a reminder that, as consumers, we need to be aware of what’s in the cosmetics we use, says Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. Take a look at her article on California’s action and check for toxin in the cosmetics you use at the Environmental Working Group’s

Then ME! Diane of On the Border:
During the summer of 1968, Diane's parents moved their family into the newly-constructed quonset in anticipation of a future move into their not-yet-completed home on the ranch. It was a summer of adventure for the kids. For Mom? Adventures of a different sort as told in her journals...

And that's a wrap!
I hope you enjoyed these posts from my amazing friends as much as I did!
Thank you for reading!


  1. Thank you, as always. I've read a couple of these posts and the others sound interesting, too. Also, I intend to read your summer of 1968 series when I can find a nice block of time.

  2. Another great set of posts.. thank you, diane, for hosting


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