Friday, December 29, 2023


Superpowers? Let’s make a list,
Cause all of them, I think I missed,
Like super strength, for that I’d opt,
When I think of the stack of plates I dropped!

And other things, like super speed?
To do my chores, for that, I’d plead,
And super sight? With super eyes
I’d wear my specs just for disguise!

Hmmm…super smell? That may be mine,
Cause stinky stuff I smell just fine.
But what would give life seasoning?
Why, super thought and reasoning!

Command of elements, that’d be neat,
And flying would be oh, so sweet!
And swimming without needing breath,
Yep. Nothing that would cause my death!

If I could live a long, long time,
With super life, that would be fine,
Just think of all that I could do,
The learning and the skills accrue...

But wait. If I am still around
When all I love are ‘in the ground’,
Now how exciting would that be
If I lost friends and family?

You know, I’ll stick with what I’ve got,
My aching joints and tangled thoughts,
My power fits me like a glove,
My super power, friends, is LOVE! 

Karen asks, "Write for me, please?"
We write because we like to please!
And we love her, you know that’s true,
So this is what we writers do . . .
We craft a poem based on a theme,
With pencils, sharp, and eyes agleam,
Each month we write and have such fun
We can't wait for another one,
With 'Super Power!' how did I do?
Now, go and see the others, too:

Baking In A Tornado: Finale      
Messymimi’s Meanderings          


  1. Yes it is, I know because I feel it in the years of friendship I'm fortunate to share with you.

  2. I agree, love is a superpower you have in abundance. But I also wouldn't mind flight, super strength,and a mind that can always remember why I went into a room.

  3. That's such a lovely poem and if we could all find and share the love we feel it would make the world such a better place.


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