Friday, May 17, 2024

Away From Home

Fly on the Wall is a monthly challenge that I share with my blogging sisters, Karen and Marcia, where we invite people into our lives and recap our past month.
This is my glimpse into mine...

I'm a homebody.
There, I've admitted it.
I do like being in familiar surroundings. 
And especially in my own bed. With my own bathroom (something that grows increasingly important with the passage of years! But I digress...)
And my own stuff around me.
But Husby loves to travel.
And I love to be with him.
So I travel.
It's actually quite funny. With numerous health concerns between the two of us, much of what we pack consists of...pills.
Yeah. We pretty much resemble a traveling pharmacy.
Fortunately, pills are fairly portable. Thus far.
Where was I?
Oh, yes. Traveling.
And enjoying it.
Recently, Husby and I and a couple of close friends, Bill and Judy, left our aforementioned comfortable surroundings and did an Amsterdam/Belgium/Italy loop.
It was cold. I've never quite witnessed the cold like Amsterdam when it's +3 C, blowing a legitimate gale. AND raining.
Yep. There's no cold quite like it.
And I live in Canada!
But we enjoyed every single minute.
Let me 'briefly' tell you about it...
First Amsterdam (Or Hamsterdance, as Granddaughter #11 called it!). We were there for the tulips.
And wow! Did we see TULIPS!
(Just FYI: None of my pictures turned out, so most of what follows came from my artist/photographer friend, Judy White.)
Husby and me!

Keukenhof- a must-see!

Of course, being in Holland, we had to see windmills in Kinderdijk:

And museums: The Rijks Museum is beyond stupendous:

I want this library so much!

Now THAT's a model!

Nightwatch by Rembrandt. Just one of thousands!

And churches: 
Grote Kerk, Haarlem

We could have spent a month there!
But we had a schedule to keep, so on to the First World War Sites in Belgium. 
Just outside of what was known then as Ypres:

Of the 12,000 graves in this cemetery, only 4,000 were identified. The rest were 'Known Unto God'.
I've never cried so much...

Hill 62 Battlefield. Preserved just as it was. The divots and swales are from artillery blasts.
And now "sheep may safely graze'.

St. Julien Canadian Memorial

And then Florence and the surrounding countryside:

So many works of art. So little time!

And SO many people!

We also took a bus trip out into the countryside of Tuscany. Pisa, Siena, San Gimingano. Fantastic!

We're not sure how many of these trips we have left in us, so we toured and ate and talked and laughed and absolutely enjoyed ourselves. There are thousands more pictures and an equal number of memories, but at least you got a glimpse.
Thank you for coming along!

When you start to look like your passport photo, it's time to go home.

Now go and see what Karen and Marcia were up to this month!
Trust me. You'll be glad you did!


  1. What an amazing trip you had! I'm jealous!

  2. That sounds terrific. I've been armchair traveling recently because my DH has already finished with his travel days due to health reasons. Thanks for sharing your trip to add to my fantasy travels.

  3. Sounds like a great trip! So good to see you on the thread again.

  4. What a trip you had, and to lose your pictures, too. So thank you, Judy White! It was a trip of a lifetime, but I hope you have many more of them in you. But I am worried about your Fly on the Wall. He (or she) must be exhausted!

  5. This is amazing! Thank you for sharing! I laugh at the travelling pharmacy. So relatable!!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful trip. LOL at the two of you sleeping! My wife and I are homebodies too, so no big travel plans for us.

  7. What a trip. Thanks for sharing some of the highlights.

  8. Good to see you show up on the blog again. It looks like you're having fun.

  9. Ah beautiful, it was hot HOT when we visited Amsterdam. I'm not sure which would be better? Love the photo of you both resting, :)


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