Saturday, December 31, 2011

I'm Back!!!

Sorry for the wait, blogging friends.
 Finally, here are some pictures of this year's pajamas!
As modeled by our eldest son and his family, and our youngest son and his family.
Both families are expecting new additions in the New Year!
Eldest Son and family
Youngest son and family


  1. They look like Easter eggs....what a charming tradition. And now....I will wish you a Happy New Year.

  2. Beautiful. All counts, from jammies to babies. Happy new year.

  3. lol so funny with the PJ's
    Happy New Year!!

  4. Delores, Joanne and LL: Thank you! And a very Happy New Year to you!
    A very happy New Year to everyone!

  5. I love your family pj tradition! The cow pattern is my favorite of yours! (and the couch does look cow patterned from the pjs!) We do pjs on Christmas eve but they are Christmas pjs.

  6. I love them. Those are some spectacular pj's. What a fun tradition.

  7. Diane, I wish my family had this tradition! I could use the new pajama pants! One year, my sister tried to implement a Christmas sweater motif and trust me when I tell you it did not go down well. Tears and mockery ensued. Perhaps that's why now, everyone dresses in sweatpants. hee hee! :)

  8. Love these photos...your family is awesome! :)
    I always leave here smiling.


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