Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Pajama Game

We have a tradition in our home.
Well, several, actually.
But I'm only going to talk about this one . . .
On Christmas eve.
And spaghetti, but that is another story.
So . . . pajamas.
Every year, Mom hunts up the most distinctive pattern she can find and everyone is forced excited to wear it.
So, in honour of this very special time, here are a few examples from the past.
 Christmas, 2002.  And no, that isn't a cow print couch . . .

Christmas 2003. And yes, we do look like escaped prisoners.

2007.  Little jump, here.

2008 and our numbers are increasing.
You can't see the striped socks, but they're there!
2009. Things are changing radically . . .
2010. What a mob!

And that brings you up to date.
You'll have to wait until tomorrow to see 2011's PJs.
They'll be worth the wait . . .

Merry Christmas to all of you, my blog friends!
I'm so happy to have gotten to know you this year.
You've made the year special!
Thank you!


  1. Terrific tradition.

  2. As good as a sack of hammers. Merry Christmas.

  3. So cool! We had fun videoing my son making his gingerbread house which I blogged. lol

  4. Oh my heavens! That's hilarious! I love the cow print couch... I mean... pajamas. haha... It DOES look like a couch! That's what I thought when I first looked at the picture and then had to look again after I read your post! :)

    Merry Christmas! I hope yours was a wonderful at your house as ours was at our house!

  5. Thta is a wonderful tradition. I love it and I love the cow print best. It is so distinctive, memorable and just a little crazy.
    I just may have to "borrow" this tradition.
    Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Hahaha! The cow pajamas ROCK!!! Any spares???!! I like them better than the 2011 version ... Happy New Year!!!


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