Wednesday, May 2, 2012

'Lectronic Love

My baby sister is here from the East coast for a visit.
The best of times.
She has a job which requires her to be on her feet.
And she has a sprained ankle.
The worst of times.
But the story of her ankle has a hilarious twist.
If you'll pardon the pun . . .
Baby Sister is a runner.
She lives in a remote area and, when family, employment and weather allow, runs in that beautiful place she calls home.
Woodsy trails, old forest and the slight tang of salt in the air.
Where was I?
Oh, yes.
Baby Sister.
And running.
On this particular day, she was rounding a curve, heading for home.
Just ahead of her, the school bus had just dropped off her son and a few of his friends.
They acknowledged her presence with a wave and started walking along the road.
And that's when she hit something.
Tree root.
Uneven surface.
It sent her tumbling.
Her ankle took the brunt of the force.
The four teenagers saw her go down.
Three of them sprinted towards her.
Concern writ large.
One . . . didn't.
Her son.
Now I don't want to suggest here that he is uncaring or unfeeling.
Because he isn't.
In fact, he is a very affectionate and loving boy.
But the fact remains that, while the others were hurrying to her assistance, he was bent over his phone – texting.
His friends got her up and, working together, managed to help her hobble the short distance home.
Seated there, her foot up, she picked up her phone.
She had a text.
It was from her son.
Well, caring in 2012 . . .


  1. Hahahaha, Diane that is SOOOOO funny, oh my goodness, a great laugh for the day. I truly hope your sister is okay :)

    1. She's doing much better. As we speak, she is sitting on my couch with her foot in ice, getting ready to go to work.

  2. Isn't that just a sign of the times though? Here she was within hailing distance and the first thing he thought of was to text.

    1. Definitely a sign. I've seen kids sitting beside each other, texting each other. Different world!

  3. Kids!!
    Usually its always like that. Kids and husbands never expect you to be sick or damaged.
    Stand with a broken wrist and they tell you it isn't broken, what's for dinner lol
    But that's love I guess. lol

    1. Love and/or wishful thinking. If we pretend she's all right, then she'll be all right! :)

  4. Oh dear! Your poor sister! I hope her ankle heals quickly. That is no fun.

    Although... right now... I would trade her places. I wish I had a reason to sit and rest. Maybe I should go for a run and "accidentally" find a tree root. (I know... I shouldn't wish for such things.) (:

    1. Hmmm . . . that does sound like a good idea. That must say something about our lives right now! :)

  5. HA HA!! So funny because it truly shows the times, eh? I honestly think the children are being born now with some sort of apparatus in their hands now. It's all second nature to them. I can see my son going through with drawls when he leaves here soon on his mission. Ugh.

    1. So. true! Your poor son! Coming home is such a re-acclimatizing process as it is . . .

  6. P.S. And I can also see my returning missionary boy {ini 6 weeks} coming back feeling a little like Rip Van Winkle. He truly will find it hard to adjust to all this phone technology that exploded while he was away.

    1. Oooo! Six Weeks!!! You must be SO excited!!! He'll catch on fast . . .

  7. LOL! That's about all I can say.

  8. As make me smile :)
    Enjoy the time with you sis.

  9. That is too funny, Diane! It sounds a little too much like my boys. Oh, and I hope your sister's ankle heals quickly and soon!


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