Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Drinking Problems -or - Give me something deep and cool

Soooo simple. Soooo satisfying.

Horses are like people.
They have personalities.
Like to play.
Hate to work.
Live to eat.
They even have quirks.
Some have learned to take in a deep breath just as you tighten the cinch.
Then let it out . . . later.
Loose cinches cause accidents.
Just FYI.
I could go on and on about the tricks they play.
And how crafty they can be.
But that is another post.
This story is about Harry.
Harry the Horse.
And drinking.
The horses, I mean.
Although with most cowboys, at times, there can be a lot of drink- . . . never mind.
Now, I should explain that horses, when they drink, don't lap like dogs and other animals.
They dip their lips into the water.
And suck.
Careful to keep their noses out in the air.
So to speak.
But a tired horse, coming back from a long day in the pastures, will try to drink with the bit from the bridle still in its mouth.
This results in . . . leakage.
An imperfect seal at each side of the mouth.
They ignore it and happily slurp up the water.
Except for Harry.
If Harry had been human, he probably would have been an efficiency expert.
He hated leakage.
It was messy.
And, for want of a better term, inefficient.
So Harry had come up with his own solution.
If one just dipped a little more of one's mouth into the water, one could avoid the whole 'leakage problem'.
He would lower his mouth into the trough to a level just above the bit.
Problem solved.
Of course, this meant that one's nose became, at times, perilously near, and even in, the water.
No worries.
Just lift your head, take a breath, and lower it again.
Child's play.
Soon Harry discovered that he liked dipping his head into the trough.
If he was really tired, he would dunk it right up to his eyes.
Sometimes further.
And all you would see were a pair of ears, sticking out above the water.
Unusual to be sure.
But immensely entertaining.
It give a whole new meaning to the terms, 'Here you go. Dig in!'.
Or, 'Wow. He's in it to the eyebrows!'.
Or best of all, 'Go soak your head!'.
The perfect entertainment to end a long, dusty day.


  1. Reminds me of my summer job keeping the trough filled for the cows...with a can those bossies drink. Harry probably enjoyed cooling off his whole head with a good dunking.

  2. So he was, like, "in over his head"? Sorry...I couldn't help myself.

  3. I can see Harry in my head. Ha ha. I love him.

  4. Harry sounds like my kind of character!

    1. Independent and willing to buck the system and go your own way? sounds good to me! Thank you for visiting!

  5. What a smart horse I would have loved to see that lol

    1. The first time he did it, everyone was amazed. After that . . . they were still amazed.

  6. Harry sounds awesome... I would have loved to have seen that... :)

    1. It was so neat. I've never before or since seen a horse willing to risk his 'wind'. Crazy horse!


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