Monday, September 3, 2012

Mildred's Nose

A poem.
Because it's Monday . . .

Mildred's Nose

Mildred, my friend has a marvellous nose.
Not bulbous.
Or hook-ed.
Or bellicose.
Not crooked.
Or flattened.
Or shaped like a bean.
The most beautiful nose that you ever have seen.
Can't say it's large.
A potato,
A squash.
A crooked ol' carrot.
An acorn.
A cosh.
(A nickname for what's really a good copper's 'billy'.)
Yes, nothing to ever make Mildred look silly.
It is shapely,
And small.
In reality – fair.
The grandest
To ever
Suck air.
And slender.
With rose petal skin.
The kind that can always draw everyone in.
But with all of it's beauty, her friends still make fun.
They laugh,
And they tease.
They jeer.
And they shun.
But why with such beauty for them to behold,
Would they scoff,
And deride,
And then scold?
Ridicule, ostracize, taunt, and tell jokes?
With all
Of the fair
Jungle folks?
Because Mildred, oh, she of the wonderful nose.
The beauty,
The colour
Called 'rose'.
Well there's something about her that I've not disclosed.
Something, about which you need to be told.
Though our Mildred is all she could possibly be,
Good friend,
And clever,
And kind
As can be.
Yes, Mildred,
Has one,
Little secret
to hold.
Our Mildred's an elephant, truth to be told.

P.S. If you think that Mildred's true story's a gaffe,
You should hear about Harold,
The short-necked giraffe.


  1. I can see this illustrated for a childrens book. Really cute.

  2. Hmmm, I think I saw her getting out of a rusty Pontiac at the liquor store in Fort Mac a few years ago.

  3. As one who generally despises most freelance poetry, I would give you an A were I your English instructor,


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