Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bread . . . Reformed

Twice a week, and sometimes more, the wonderful aroma of freshly-baked bread wafted through the Stringam home.
Often, it was followed, almost immediately, by the sight of children munching thick slices of fresh yumminess, thickly spread with fresh butter.
I wasn't one of them.
Oh, I loved Mom's bread.
It was amazing.
And I definitely was munching.
But I chose a unique - ie. weird - way of doing it.
Often to be followed by my Mom saying, “Diane! I work hard to make perfectly good, soft bread! Why do you do that to it?!”
She said this because . . . I squished it.
Into a tight little ball.
Which I . . . then . . . ate.
Mom would watch, in disgust, as I took my slice of freshly-baked awesomeness.
Quickly peeled off and ate the crust.
And pressed and moulded the rest.
Then nibbled.
I have no idea why I did this.
Maybe it was because I had seen the screen cowboys eating little balls of bread out of their saddlebags.
Okay, it looked like little balls of bread.
I didn't realize that what they were eating was, in fact, biscuits.
I wasn't known for my powers of observation and deduction.
Moving on . . .
I no longer eat bread this way.
There are a couple of drawbacks.
The biggest one being that it's rather hard to spread any significant amount of peanut butter or nutella on a tightly pressed ball of dough.
And, let's face it, bread is just the medium by which such things are ingested.
And, in a choice between eating balls of dough or getting nutella to the mouth?
Even the cowboys would agree with me.


  1. I went through a phase of rolling up my bread also. You could dip the ball of bread into something, yes? just sayin'

  2. I remember you took us all to a sandwich place and got us all slices of fresh bread with butter for like two bits a slice.

    Of course, NOTHING beats your home-made stuff! ESPECIALLY your banana bread! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

  3. I have an easy gag reflex, and that is exactly what I did when I tried that once. Once, and once only. Bread is meant to be sliced, spread with something nummy, and worshiped.

  4. My sister used to do this, she wasn't even into cowboys... so she had no excuse :)

  5. I wondered if you knew you were missing the butter. Bread is good, butter is better.

  6. I also liked to make things out of bread.
    It's only later I learned people added glue to it so make it more pliable.

  7. Diane, I love bread! I admit I've never squished it but I dated a guy back in college who did. It was the most annoying thing to watch him squish his bread into a thin roll before he ate it. I admit this may have been one of the reasons I broke up with him! hee hee! Seriously though, nowadays methinks bread tastes good any way you eat it. And if you add jelly, jam, or real butter--well, it doesn't get better than that! :)

  8. Nutella is my angst! I eat it on these large air popped corn discs for breakfast every morning! Thank for sharing your bread quirkiness with us at NOBH! ;)

    1. Mmmm. I always say that if you spread nutella on a hubcap, I'd eat it!

  9. One of my children always wants to do this as well. And, yep, I'm usually disgusted by it! I like your adult take on the whole bread issue - nutella delivery system. I can completely get behind that! Smiles -


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