Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reading Clean Give Away Hop

A big thank you to Kathy at I Am a Reader, Not A Writer for hosting this month's giveaway, Reading Clean!

Kris Kringle is the round, jolly, elderly man that everyone knows. The man who spends his life giving.
But have you ever wondered about the boy he was? 
The young man? 
The newlywed?
Magic explores the background of the world's most beloved fictitious character. Illustrates the experiences that forged courage and strength, and made the boy into the man.
It also tells the story of the girl, Rebecca, who will one day become his wife. 
It is accepted that Kris Kringle lives at the North Pole. 
With Elves. 
But have you ever wondered how that happened? It must have taken some world-changing, even traumatic event to force an entire race to take up lodgings at a place so utterly inhospitable and unwelcoming.
Kris Kringle's Magic is a story of prejudice. Of hatred and fear and abuse.
And of true forgiveness and love.
And Magic.
You will never picture old Kris Kringle in the same light again. If you loved him before, you will love him even more now.
Filled with messages of love, forbearance, humanity and courage, Kris Kringle's Magic is the perfect Christmas story for the whole family. Using the dark themes of slavery and abuse, it proves that, with love and spiritual courage, one man can make a difference in the lives of thousands. Even millions. 
Let Kris Kringle's Magic change your world!

I am giving a copy of this, my newest book, to one lucky blog follower.
All you need to do to enter my draw, is to become a follower AND leave a comment on this blog.
It's that easy!
Good luck!


  1. I'm a follower! And I love this book. Would love to have a hard copy of it.
    "You will never picture old Kris Kringle in the same light again. " So true.

  2. I have loved every book of yours that I have read so far....Would love to read this one...I am so thrilled for you, Diane!! Glad you are getting your work published!!!

  3. I'm a follower AND I would LOVE a copy. I have Carving Angels already. What a lovely addition to my library, Kris Kringle's Magic would make. Great reading for me as well as for my children (young and old). :)

  4. I have read your posts for quite some time and always enjoy them Diane. I am now a follower and would love a copy of your new book....I loved the first and can't wait to read this one. Keep sharing your gift! :)

  5. GFC follower and I'd love to read this to my family this Christmas. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  6. I would love to read this on a cold winter's night.

  7. This book looks great. My kids would both love it and so would I. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I LOVE Christmas books! Congrats on your newest book. I'm a follower.

  9. I follow through GFC. It's funny how I'm entering this with my username, I bet, haha. :) Thank you for the giveaway!

  10. I'm a (new) follower, and this book sounds really interesting. Thanks for the giveaway.

  11. Following on Networked Blogs. Sounds like a wonderful book. Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. I was so blessed to be one of the first to read this book and I have my order in for it already. Diane, don't put me in the draw... I just want everyone to know how fabulous it is.

  13. GFC follower as Mrs. Kathy Davis
    The book sounds great. Would love to add it to my stash.
    Kathy Davis

  14. I follow by gfc as jodi32
    Thanks for the giveaway

  15. GFC follower Ben
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. GFC follower: Lexie@BookBug
    lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com
    Thanks for the giveaway! I love Christmas books!

  17. I follow on GFC as Rachael Henzman. Thanks for the giveaway!

    -Rachael Henzman

  18. I am following as Renee G on gFC

  19. GFC follower/ ronnkelly3
    Thank you for the chance to win..

  20. GFC follower: dreamer616
    Thank you for the giveaway..

  21. I follow your blog, and this book sounds very interesting. :)

    fallingfan at

  22. Diane you know this Texas girl is following you all the way to Canada!

  23. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com
    GFC: BookAttict

  24. I can't wait to read it, Dianne!

  25. i am a gfc follower dale grim

  26. I would love to have a copy of this book. Thanks for the chance! GFC Follower: Sheila

  27. GFC follower Rockygirl1.

    Thanks for the giveaway! Sounds like a great book!

  28. Thanks for the giveaway!

    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com
    GFC Darlene

  29. I follow you on GFC as Tami Valentine
    I follow you NB Tami Prokup Valentine (catfish802)

  30. new gfc follower (Ruth) Thanks!

  31. I would love to read your book! I love Christmas! *sigh* Thank you for the great giveaway and for a clean read! They can be hard to find!
    GFC Books Are Sanity!!!
    booksaresanity at yahoo dot com

  32. Your book sounds great and I would love a chance to read it! I love Christmas, the season never seems long enough to me! Thank you for the great giveaway and for writing a clean read; they can be hard to find!
    GFC Books Are Sanity!!!
    booksaresanity at yahoo dot com

  33. What a fun idea for a book! I'm a new follower.

  34. I am a follower and would love to win and read this book.Thanks

  35. Follow on GFC-Teresa Thompson

  36. new follower tifferz19

    your book looks great! Congrats! I hope I win :)

    tifferz19 AT hotmail DOT com

  37. Great idea. When I see your book for sale at my local bookstore, I'll take a photo of it and send it your way! Thanks for linking at NOBH. Every blessing, Kelly


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