Monday, October 22, 2012

Fifty Things We Learned This Weekend

Two of our granddaughters stayed with us for the weekend.
While their mother, a professional face-painter, was facepaint-er-ing.
It was a wonderful weekend.
We learned:

  1. Little sisters shouldn't sit on big sisters when both are trying to go to sleep.
  2. Big sisters shouldn't sit on little sisters . . . ever.
  3. Play-dough doesn't taste very good, but it's still better than whatever Gramma just fixed for supper.
  4. Whatever Sister is playing with is infinitely better than what I have.
  5. Clothes are for spreading all over the floor.
  6. Especially clean ones.
  7. Sigh.
  8. One can sit through any boring church meeting if there is food and/or things to colour.
  9. One should never, ever colour one's sister.
  10. Even if she would look better.
  11. Water in a bathtub is only the beginning.
  12. Fireplace ashes can make one's hands . . . and clothes . . . remarkably black.
  13. Hot dogs and ice cream make anything better.
  14. Especially ice cream.
  15. As long as Grampa doesn't try to steal it.
  16. Stories with Gramma must be followed by stories with Grampa.
  17. Because he can do the voices.
  18. Rocking mooses can buck you off.
  19. Rocking stools can do the same.
  20. When Grampa is holding the remote, we watch what he's watching.
  21. Even if it is boring.
  22. One can hide from Gramma for incredible amounts of time if one is quiet.
  23. Or falls asleep.
  24. If Grampa says something a two-year-old doesn't want to hear, one can just stare straight ahead.
  25. For hours.
  26. Almost six-year-olds know e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.
  27. And are happy to share it.
  28. Especially if it means they don't have to eat their supper.
  29. Toys are lots of fun to get out.
  30. But not so much fun to put away.
  31. Climbing is acceptable only if one doesn't fall.
  32. See #13.
  33. One should always know where one's head is in proximity to anything.
  34. Tables. Chairs. Walls. Doors. Sisters. 
  35. See #13.
  36. Again.
  37. One can do all the things in a pretty church dress that one can do in jeans and a T-shirt.
  38. Until Gramma catches you.
  39. If one kicks her foot just right, one can project one's shoe great distances.
  40. And even hit one's sister.
  41. In the eye.
  42. Gramma doesn't like it when one sneezes and then rubs one's hand across one's face.
  43. But do it anyway.
  44. Socks are made for hiding, especially when one is getting dressed for Church.
  45. Shoes, ditto.
  46. Grampas are good for playing ponies
  47. Or Troll-Under-The Bridge.
  48. Grammas are good for dancing.
  49. Both are good for cuddling.
  50. But they get tired fast.
Weekend's over. I'm going back to bed.


  1. You certainly learned a lot this weekend, esp.--
    "Water in a bathtub is only the beginning."
    "When Grampa is holding the remote, we watch what he's watching."

    1. Thanks, Susan! I never though learning could be fun. Or exhausting.

  2. Boy do they ever get tired fast.

  3. Oh, so fun! I can see every moment!

  4. Haha! So when you say 'we' learned these things, who exactly does that include??!!

    1. Anyone who set foot in this house this weekend, Red! But mostly Husby (Mr. Troll/Ponies) and me (Grammadancesalot).

  5. I laughed out loud at your list. I can see my hubbie and I in your list. Thanks for the smiles. I will keep this in my back pocket for when we are grandparents so that I remember to laugh when it is happening to us. Who was it that said, "Remember that any challenge now is a funny story later." :-)

    1. Oh, I like that! Yep. And do I have a plethora (ooh, good word!) of funny stories!!!

    2. Which are much more fun than the challenges . . . Just sayin'

  6. Oh my goodness, I seriously had a massive laugh, thank you Diane:)


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