Saturday, October 12, 2013

Narrow Escape

Daddy and Me.
I loved baths.
Loved them.
In fact, once Mom got me into the tub, it was a major chore to get me out.
I would swim and play like a little marine mammal, till the water cooled to the point that it was tepid.
And I was shivering.
I know. I know.
Makes no sense to me, either.
But I was four. Little that one does makes sense when you're four.
Moving on . . .
One day, Mom discovered a technique that had me gasping on the bathmat quicker than a wet, slippery little Louisiana catfish.
Okay, I don't know much about those but I'm assuming they come from Louisiana.
And that they're wet and slippery . . .
Mom, patience growing thin, pulled the tub plug.
While I was still in the tub.
The water started down the drain.
And suddenly, I knew that I was going to go down with it.
What were we saying about making sense?
Oops. There goes Diane!
I knew what my parents would say," Darn! Lost another one! Guess we'll have to get us another little girl!”
Okay, so even at four I had a lot of imagination.
After that, all Mom had to do was reach for the plug.
It was like she put a current of electricity through the water.
I would be standing, shivering on the mat.
But whole.
Another narrow escape.


  1. You would have been SOME narrow if you had gone down the drain. Did your four year old mind eventually cotton on to that little fact?

  2. Like Bill Cosby once said: 'If it wasn't for his head...'

  3. Hahaha... so cute, I like this story Diane... I should have used this with Valentina, she could stay in the tub for hours :)

  4. That big bad drain probably send a lot of little folks over the porcelain slide, down to the bath math.

  5. Amazing how our minds work when we're young, isn't it? I bet your Mom was so relieved to find a way to get you out of the tub faster :)

  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm laughing my head off here. We did the same thing to my sister whenever we thought she'd been in there long enough and it was our turn. Of course we stayed in too long as well, we had to be lured out with ice cream or chocolate. No fear of the plug hole at all.

    1. Ooooh! Ice cream or chocolate? Why didn't my mom think of that?!

  7. Three posts in a row that I loved reading. I am smiling and lol on them all.
    I loved them; blessings!


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