Sunday, October 13, 2013

Verbal Tactics

Now that I have your attention . . .

Our children learn from what they see.
And hear.
Most of the time, it's a good thing.
Occasionally, it's not.
Sometimes, it's just plain fun.
My husby had our twenty-month-old son, Mark, in the highchair.
Eating his favourite - pancakes.
I was across the room, nursing our two-month-old son, Erik.
All was well.
Everyone was happy.
Then my husby decided to take advantage of Mark's utter absorption in forking pieces of pancake into his mouth and make a quick trip to the euphamism (real word – look it up!).
For a few minutes, Mark was happily engaged.
Then, the pancakes ran out.
I looked over at him.
He was waving his little fork in the air.
No response.
Still no response.
Mark changed tactics.
“Da . . . Gwant!”
I'm assuming he meant GRant.
His father's name.
Faint sounds from the eupham . . . okay, the bathroom.
Not enough to satisfy Mark, however.
By the way, how did he even know his father's name?
I always called him . . .
Now there were definitely sounds emanating (good word) from the bathroom.
Mark had gotten a reaction. With twenty-month-old persistence, he was going to pursue it.
More laughter. But definitely getting louder.
His father emerged, still chuckling.
“What is it, son?”
“More pancake, Honey!”
We had created a monster.


  1. A cute and fast learner. Gwant should not have left him in such short supply for a long job.

  2. That was worth a repeat.

    1. I never tire of it! I was hoping others would feel the same . . .

  3. I love this! Kids say the cutest things.

    I think it's to make up for some of the OTHER things they say :)

  4. This is the sweetest thing I've read today. I just love it. Honey.

  5. Oh my gosh this is a cute one; I am so smiling on this one.
    Thanks for this good moment.


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