Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Age-Related . . .

Pfff . . . kids!
Men really don’t pay much attention to age.
At least the men in my life.
Not like women do.
Cases in point:
I had just turned twelve.
An important milestone in my world.
I could now go to 4-H.
And youth activities in our church.
Of course, there were drawbacks.
The price of admission to any of our local movies doubled.
From twenty-five cents.
To fifty.
But I was twelve.
It had taken me twelve long years to get here.
And I wanted the whole world to know it.
Dad was taking us kids to the movies.
And was in the process of buying tickets.
“One adult, three youth and three children, please,” he said.
“Da-ad!” I said. Loudly.
All eyes in the theatre foyer turned to us.
“I’m twelve now!”
“Oh. Are you?” I’m sure he was embarrassed, but he covered it well. “When did that happen?”
Kids aren’t tactful.
Even when they’re twelve.
Moving ahead several years . . .
My Husby and I were at the home of some friends.
Dinner was over.
The visiting had begun.
The conversation had turned to the inevitable - and painful - progression of old age.
My Husby and I were speaking from the advanced ages of twenty-nine and twenty-eight, respectively.
But our friends had both rounded the corner and were into their thirties.
Elderly indeed.
My Husby was teasing the wife. “Well, speaking from the advanced age of thirty-six, you would . . .”
I don’t remember the rest of his statement.
But I do recall that the wife turning an instant and remarkable shade of red. “Thirty-six!!” she said. “Thirty-six?!” She got up and looked in the mirror. “I just turned thirty-four!”
Later I asked him what on earth he was thinking.
“Well,” he said. “I thought I was really exaggerating. You know? Over-estimating?”
Oh. Note to Husby. When over-estimating, REALLY over-estimate.
Missing by a couple of years is . . . dangerous.
Because - as it turns out - age, to women, is important.


  1. It really bites when they ask you if you want the seniors discount and you're only in your forties. There's a wake up call for you. Can anyone say "where's the hair colour aisle?".

    1. Totally with you on this! I'm lucky. It was Husby's hair that turned. And he doesn't care!!!

  2. You are SO right on that - and when in doubt, bite your tongue!

  3. Oh Yeah! You got that right!

  4. Silly men. Don't they know by now??

  5. I'm happy enough to have people make mistakes with my age. They usually think I'm 50ish, when I'm actually 61.
    For others I always, always seriously under estimate.
    "How old do you think I am?"
    26. Even if they look 75.

    1. That's wonderful! I'm only a couple of years behind you. I'd love to be mistaken for 50ish!
      I do the same. REALLY underestimate. :)

  6. Haha.... I try hard to not guess a persons age, I try hard to under estimate if I'm forced ;-)

    1. I am terrible at it. I can't guess ages to save myself. Better to be ridiculously under than even a year or two over . . .

  7. That was another very cute post. Yes, your husby made a mistake on that one.
    Blessings and hugs for the smile~


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