Thursday, November 21, 2013

Gramma! See!

Delores has challenged us again. 
This week's words: Indecent, vertical, deserted, spectacles, moon, fleeting
How convenient that her words just happen to fit in with my life!
Okay. Yes, I added the spectacles...

The moon was playing ‘peek-a-boo’,
It’s presence somewhat fleeting,
When Little Bug and I stepped out
To give it proper greeting.

A brittle cold had settled in
I labelled it, ‘indecent’,
For, though we live in Canada,
Our winter was still recent.

But Little Bug must see her friend,
So, bundled past our eyebrows,
Crept onto the deserted street,
And gazed up through the tree boughs.

“Oh, Gramma, see!” said Little Bug,
As she pointed to the sky,
And sure, enough, there hung the moon,
For Little Bug and I.

Our necks stretched nearly vertical,
We regarded it with awe,
All fat and golden, shining, still,
Perfection’s what we saw.

Then Little Bug, with happy eyes,
Noticed something nice,
I’d not detected it before,
And I’d looked. Once or twice.

“Oh, Gramma, see!” she said to me,
“When all the clouds are gone,
And you can clearly see his face,
His spectacles are on!”

‘Twas then I realized that when
Observing’s your objective.
We all see something different, its
 A matter of perspective.


  1. How true! Bug is a great observer!

  2. This is great ... and sweet. long before your poems hit the Kindle store? Will they be out in time for Christmas?

    1. Working on it! Probably won't get there this Christmas. Next year for sure!!! Thank you for your encouragement! :)

  3. Superb! Oh, Gramma, see! It feels good just to say those words.

  4. This is so sweet Diane! I love it to bits.

  5. Thanks so much, River! You've made my day!


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