Friday, March 14, 2014

Great Gifts

It's Pie night! 32 done and 20 more to go. 

Eating starts at 6! Grab a fork and join us!

So, a repost of parties past - by request - from a year ago...

My parents were a social sort.
And often entertained.
With friends and food and games galore
And fun for hours, sustained.

And in those days of party fun,
When er’ food came in sight,
There were no paper plates to serve
With gusto and delight.

Only the best that could be found
Would aid my parents’ guests,
And so they served on china, fine
And silver for the rest.

And when the meal was done, the guests
Rose quickly to their feet.
And, as a group, cleared table, and
Would in the kitchen meet.

The duties there were quickly giv’n,
Who’d man the towels and sink.
And in an instant, all was done,
E’en faster than you’d blink.

When I was ten, above the rest
Stood out one woman there.
I watched in awe as she took towel
And dried the silverware.

Her movements were that quick, I found,
My eyes could barely follow.
And soon a gleaming pile she had
All ready for tomorrow.

“I’d love to be that fast,” I said.
“My goal is clear to see.”
She shook her head, “I’m sorry, dear,
You won’t be fast as me.”

I took it as a challenge then
And practiced faithfully.
And finally knew just what she meant,
“You won’t be fast as me.”

For some of us receive one gift,
And some another. True.
Her gift was drying silverware,
And mine is telling you.


  1. Every time I read one of your posts I want to live your life, have your parents, and be there!

  2. Her talent was drying silver ware while yours was writing. You win hands down. She has to toss in the dish towel.

  3. I'm sorry to say I'm in the fast-silverware-dryer category, but I'd much rather be in the writer category!!

    Pi(e) Day! I forgot! Coincidentally, I will be making a pizza (pie) for supper ... that will have to do. But I really wish I could see your 52 pies! Actually, eating a piece or two would be even better. Sigh.

  4. Boy, you could have a good pie fight with all those pies.

    1. Fight? Seems like a criminal waste of Pie to me.

    2. You know, I looked at all of those pies and thought exactly the same thing! But River's right. A colossal waste of pie . . .

  5. Aw w, that was a cute one. We do all have our own individual gifts. I am still trying to find mine. I think my husband would like me to find the gift of cooking sometimes. He is really quite a good cook. Even last night he told me that he loved that I got the cleaning up part. He likes to cook but doesn't clean.
    Blessings for the smile!

    1. You definitely have the gift for encouragement, LeAnn! You always encourage me! :)

  6. What a great poem, letting people know just how much fun dishwashing can be.

  7. A person won't be remembered too long for their silveer drying skills but a book is forever.


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